Meeting of objectives of Jan Dhan Yojana : Starred Question in Rajya Sabha

Meeting of objectives of Jan Dhan Yojana
(a) whether one of the objectives of Jan Dhan Yojana is to provide the poor masses – a bank account, credit facility, insurance cover and debit card etc.;
(b) whether the existing coverage of bank branches in rural areas is adequate to meet the above objective; and
(c) what specific intervention exists in the scheme for bringing about the greatest possible financial inclusion of the poor tribes, in general, and Jharkhand in particular?


STARRED QUESTION NO-30                             ANSWERED ON-19.07.2016

Meeting of objectives of Jan Dhan Yojana

Shri Sanjiv Kumar

(a) whether one of the objectives of Jan Dhan Yojana is to provide the poor masses – a bank account, credit facility, insurance cover and debit card etc.;
(b) whether the existing coverage of bank branches in rural areas is adequate to meet the above objective; and
(c) what specific intervention exists in the scheme for bringing about the greatest possible financial inclusion of the poor tribes, in general, and Jharkhand in particular?



(a) to (c):- A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.


Statement referred to in reply to parts (a) to (c) of Rajya Sabha Starred Question No. *30 (15th Position) for 19th July, 2016 by Shri Sanjiv Kumar regarding “Meeting of objectives of Jan Dhan Yojana”
(a) Yes Sir.

(b) to (c) To promote financial inclusion and to extend the banking network in unbanked areas, general permission has been granted by Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to domestic Scheduled Commercial Banks including Public Sector Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks) to open branches at any place in the country, without seeking prior approval of RBI in each case, subject to at least 25 percent of the total number of branches opened during a financial year being opened in unbanked rural (Tier 5 and Tier 6) centres (population upto 9999). RBI has also specified that the total number of branches opened in Tier 1 centres (population 100000 and above) during the financial year cannot exceed the total number of branches opened in Tier 2 to Tier 6 centres (population upto 99999) and all centres in the North Eastern States and Sikkim.
Banking coverage is being met through brick and mortar branches as well as Bank Mitras. In the State of Jharkhand, there are 2794 bank branches (Rural – 1348; Semi Urban – 722, Urban – 570 and Metropolitan – 154) of Scheduled Commercial Banks. Eleven new branches have started in the month of June 2016, in the State of Jharkhand. Basic banking services are also being provided in the State by 3310 Bank Mitras.

Source : Rajyasabha

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