Geo-tagging Operational Guidelines : PMAY

Geo-tagging Operational Guidelines
I. Context and Rationale
Government of India’s Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Housing for All (Urban) mission, launched in June 2015, envisions every family in the country owning a pucca house with water connection, toilet facilities and electricity supply in the 75th year of independence. The programme is implemented through four components, namely ‘In situ’ Slum Re-development, Affordable Housing through Credit Linked Subsidy, Affordable Housing in Partnership and Subsidy for Beneficiary led Individual House Construction in a ‘mission mode’. The Mission is being systematically monitored at city, state and central government levels as mandated by the Mission guidelines which states that “suitable monitoring mechanisms will be developed by the mission.” Considering the progress of the Mission so far and the complexity of the monitoring task ahead, MoHUPA has signed a MoU with the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) of Indian Space Research Organization to collaboratively implement a project to ‘geotag’ every single house which is being constructed under the ‘Beneficiary led Individual House Construction’ component of the Mission, using a mobile application.

II. Concept of Geo-tagging
Geotagging is a process of assigning a ‘geo-tag’ or adding some ‘geographical information’ in various ‘media’ forms such as a digital photograph, video or even in a SMS message. Geo-tagging has already proved to be a powerful tool in monitoring housing projects in some of the Mission implementing states, such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala.

III. Purpose of Geo-tagging
The key objective of geo-tagging is to track progress of construction of individual houses through geo-tagged photographs, under the Beneficiary led Individual House Construction component of the mission.

IV. Institutional Mechanism
Geotagging is driven by ‘surveyors’ who collect data with Bhuvan-PMAY mobile app and ‘supervisors’ who moderate the collected data at Bhuvan-PMAY geo-platform, based in the cities/states. PMAY MIS in which Beneficiary details are captured is now integrated with the Bhuvan app and Bhuvan geoplatform (the details of which are explained in section VI). Surveyor: Surveyors are field level data collectors who will visit beneficiary locations to conduct geo tagging. A typical state would deploy 35 personnel with 35 mobile devices to complete geotagging of about 50,000 houses within 2 months. The surveyor should have completed basic school level education (up to class 10+2) with computer literacy and knowledge on ‘how to operate phone cameras’, take pictures of ‘reasonably good resolution’ and ‘GPS accuracy of less than 10 meters’. She or he should also have clear understanding of field survey/ simple data collection techniques. Surveyors should ideally come from the ULB staff itself. If that is not possible, the ‘surveyor’ work can be outsourced through competitive bidding process. Supervisor: Supervisors are staff of ULB, not below the level of Junior Engineer or equivalent who are delegated supervisory responsibility by competent authority and should also have authority to verify beneficiaries and capable of validating geotagged images.

PMAY MIS and Bhuvan-PMAY application (NRSC and National Informatics Centre (NIC)): Desk based moderation of geo-tagged images available in the Bhuvan portal will be done at the Bhuvan Geo-platform. With support from NRSC and NIC, Bhuvan server applications have already been integrated with the PMAY-MIS (Management Information System). The system ensures two-way data exchange using Web Services. NIC and NRSC facilitate data exchange of beneficiary data and collected field data along with necessary filtering criteria.

Follow the below address for full details of Guidelines.
[$2016Oct24105552.pdf ]

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