FAQ Regarding Submission of Forms Under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

FAQ for PMAY Citizen Submission of Forms
Citizen Submission of Forms
Frequently Asked Questions

1) Which component to select?
a. If citizen is from slum: ISSR (Insitu slum rehabilitation component)
b. If Citizen is from non slum:
i. Has land of his own and interested in construction: Beneficiary led construction BLC (new construction) incase existing structure is kutcha or semi pucca, BLC(enhancement) incase
existing structure is pucca and enhancement of minimum 9 sqm and max area after enhancement should not be more than 30 sqm
ii. Can afford to construct or purchase house using housing loan: 
Select CLSS Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme. Citizen will get subsidy on home loan.
iii. Do not have any land to construct or cannot afford home loan 
Select Affordable Housing in Partnership AHP Component

2) Is there any income criteria?

a. Household income
i. 0-25000 per month (EWS): Any component can be selected
ii. 25000-50000 per month (EWS and LIG): Only CLSS component can be selected
iii. Greater than 50000 per month: will not be able to submit application

3) What benefits I will get in scheme?
a. ISSR: GoI grant Rs. 1 lakh per house and State & ULB share will be at the discretion of State at the time of formulation of project
b. AHP & BLC: Central assistance of Rs.1.5 lakh per beneficiary and State & ULB share will be at the discretion of State at the time of formulation of project
c. CLSS: Upfront subsidy @ 6.5% for EWS and LIG for loans up to Rs. 6 lakh. Subsidy calculator at
http://www.pmaymis.gov.in/EMI_Calculator.aspx . Bank should have MoU with NHB or HUDCO. Check for MoU at http://www.mhupa.gov.in/User_Panel/UserView.aspx?TypeID=1499.
CLSS helpline numbers are: Helpline Numbers for CLSS: NHB: 1800-11-3377, 1800-11-3388, HUDCO:1800-11-6163

4) Do I have to pay anything?
a. Pay for application at CSC Rs 25/-+service tax
b. On website form is available at http://www.pmaymis.gov.in/ - Do not have to pay anything
c. Beneficiary share will be told by ULB/Municipality in case you are given a benefit under the scheme. Currently this is only application for interested applicants

5) I donot have Aadhar Card, Can I apply?
a. Aadhar Number is mandatory for Citizen to apply. Please get Aadhar number from nearest CSC CSC locator available at http://www.apnacsconline.in/csc-locator/

6) Whom should I contact for further information?
a. Contact your municipality in a division who is in-charge of PMAY(U).
List of State Level Nodal Agencies in your State is at Annexure I

7) How can I know about my application status?
a. Go to http://www.pmaymis.gov.in/. in the menu Citizen Application, track your application status.

Source : http://pmaymis.gov.in/pdf/UserMannual/FAQ.pdf

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