District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (DISHA) - Objective, Background, Agenda and Follow up Action

District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (DISHA) - Objective, Background, Agenda and Follow up Action 
Disha is an effort to improve development coordination and monitoring within the Constitutional framework of responsibilities assigned to Central, State and Local Governments. 

A large number of significant and ambitious programmes are being implemented for improvement of infrastructure and for improving human development and the well-being of people. District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (Disha) is being formed with a view to fulfilling the objective of ensuring a better coordination among all the elected representatives in Parliament, State Legislatures and Local Governments (Panchayati Raj Institutions/Municipal Bodies) for efficient and time-bound development of districts in our country. These Committees could monitor the implementation of the programmes in accordance with prescribed procedures and guidelines and promote synergy and convergence for greater impact. The Disha will supercede the District Vigilance & Monitoring Committee currently mandated by Ministry of Rural Development.

Part IX of the Constitution of India provides for Panchayats and part XI defines the relationship between the Union and States. Seventh Schedule List – I provides the Union List, List – II provides the State List and List – III provides the Concurrent List of responsibilities of Centre and States. Likewise, the Eleventh Schedule lists 29 items that are the responsibility of Local Governments in rural areas and Twelfth Schedule provides the list of 18 items that are under urban Local Government.

Article 243 G provides authority to State Legislature to endow local governments with power for planning and implementation. Article 243 ZD provides the authority for Committee for District Planning (DPC). Dishais an effort to improve development coordination and monitoring within the Constitutional framework of responsibilities assigned to Central, State and Local Governments. 

The District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (Disha)should have the following composition:

Chairperson: The Chairperson of the Disha should be a Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) elected from the district, nominated by the Ministry of Rural Development. The criteria for nomination should be the following:
(i) Where there are more than one Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) representing the district, the senior-most Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) should be nominated as the Chairperson. However, the Warrant of Precedence maintained by the Ministry of Home Affairs should be followed, which may result in exceptions.
(ii) If the district has more than one Parliamentary Constituency (Lok Sabha) as its segments and the senior-most Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) is made Chairperson of Disha in some other district, the next senior-most Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) should be the Chairperson.
(iii) In case of same seniority, the Chairperson should be the Member of Parliament in whose Parliamentary Constituency the largest geographical area of the district falls.

(a) The other Members of Parliament (Lok Sabha) representing the district should be designated as Co-Chairpersons.
(b) Rajya Sabha MP: One MP (Rajya Sabha) representing the State and exercising option to be associated with the district level Committee of that district (on first come basis), to be designated as Co-Chairpersons by the Ministry of Rural Development.
Note: In case the MP from RS is senior following the Warrant of Precedence maintained by the Ministry of Home Affairs, he / she may be made as Chairperson of the committee.
Member Secretary: The Member Secretary of the Disha should be the District Collector /District Magistrate/ Deputy Commissioner except in cases where specific exemption has been given by the Union Government. In very extraordinary circumstances the District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner could authorize the CEO Zila Parishad or a Senior ADM to be the Member Secretary for a particular meeting to ensure that meetings of the Disha are held as scheduled.

Members: The other Members of the Committee should be as follows:
(i) All Members of the State Legislative Assembly elected from the district.
(ii) One representative of the State Government / UT Administration.
(iii) All Mayors / at least the Chairpersons of Municipalities including one woman and five elected heads of Gram Panchayat including two women
(iv) Chairperson of the Zilla Panchayat.
(v) Head of the Autonomous District Council in districts having Schedule VI Areas.
(vi) All Chairpersons of Intermediate Panchayats in the district.
(vii) Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla Panchayat.
(viii) Project Director, DRDA/Poverty Alleviation Unit.
(ix) One Member from a reputed NGO, to be nominated by the Chairperson and the other Members of Parliament in the Committee.
(x) One representative each of SC, ST and Women to be nominated by the Chairperson and the other Members of Parliament in the Committee.
(xi) Lead Bank officer of the district.
(xii) Senior Superintendent/ Superintendent of the Postal Department.
(xiii) District level nodal functionaries of all Programmes that will be under the purview of Disha. 

Terms of Reference
(i) Ensure that all programmes are implemented in accordance with the Guidelines.
(ii) Facilitate coordinated solution to remove constraints of any kind.
(iii) Facilitate the smooth implementation of priorities determined by the DPC.
(iv) Resolve matters related to provision of land and space for faster roll out of priorities.
(v) Guide DPCs about all the national programmes and how they can be leveraged for transformation of the district.
(vi) Identify issues for follow up in Parliament, State Assemblies and Local Governments for timely achievement of objectives.
(vii)Intensively monitor all time bound national initiatives for universal coverage.
(viii) Address implementation constraints to improve designs of approved programmes or to make mid – course corrections.
(ix) Look into complaints/alleged irregularities received in respect of the implementation of the programmes, including complaints of wrong selection of beneficiaries, mis-appropriation / diversion of funds and recommend follow-up action. The Committee should have the authority to summon and inspect any record for this purpose. The Committee may refer any matter for enquiry to the District Collector/CEO of the Zilla Panchayat/Project Director of DRDA (or Poverty Alleviation Unit) or suggest suitable action to be taken in accordance with the rules which should be acted upon by him within 30 days 
(x) Closely review the flow of funds including the funds allocated, funds released by both Centre and the State, utilization and unspent balances under each Scheme.

Disha will cover all non-statutory schemes of Government of India that are administered in general. However,the functions of schemes that have been specifically assigned under a statute cannot be assigned to any other committee for monitoring. In such cases, the extant statutory provisions will prevail. A suggestive list of Schemes is:
1) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)
2) Deen Dayal Antordaya Yojna - NRLM
3) Deen Dayal Upadhyay – Gramin Kaushalya Yojna (DDU-GKY)
4) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)
5) National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP)
6) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Housing for All - Urban)
7) Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awaas Yojna (PMAY-G)
8) Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM)
9) Swachh Bharat Mission – Gramin (SBM- G)
10) National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP)
11) Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna (PMKSY) – Intregrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP)
12) Digital India Land Record Modernisation Programme (NLRMP)
13) Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY)
14) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Rurban Mission - National Rurban Mission (NRuM)
15) National Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY)
16) Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)
17) Smart City Mission
18) Ujjwal DISCOM Assurance Yojna (UDAY)
19) Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)
20) National Heath Mission (NHM)
21) Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA)
22) Intregrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS)
23) Mid-Day Meal Scheme
24) Pradhan Mantri UJJWALA Yojana (PMUY) - LPG Connection to BPL families
25) Jal Marg Vikash Project
26) Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna
27) Digital India – Public Internet Access Programme – providing Common Service Centre in each Gram Panchayat
28) Infrastructure related programmes like Telecom, railways, highways, waterways, mines, etc.

Any other programmes which need to be monitored by the Disha as and when felt necessary.

Number of Meetings
Meetings of the Disha should be held at least once in every Quarter, after giving sufficient notice to the Hon’ble MPs/MLAs and all other Members. The meetings can be convened even if all the members of the Committee have not been nominated. In the absence of the designated Chairperson, Co-Chairperson (if any), with consensus among the CoChairpersons present, should preside over the meeting. If no Chairperson / Co-Chairperson is present, the Members who are present should elect a Chairperson from among themselves to preside over the scheduled meeting.

Illustrative Schedule of Meetings
Every Disha committee will have to evolve its own system of agenda setting for the quarterly meetings. An illustrative schedule of meeting of Disha is given below. April – Planning and Coordination Meeting where all the Budgetary approvals under Central, State and Local Government Budgets could be presented and implementation issues resolved for effective coordination. Planning and Coordination meeting may also review and ensure balanced dispersal of projects with reference to Central, State and Local Government Budgets. Clear timelines and targets for implementation could be firmed up at this meeting. July - First Implementation Review of programmes as per the implementation plan and time frame agreed in the first meeting. October – Second Implementation Review of programmes to identify the constraints to timely completion of works. February – Final Assessment of Progress made during the year. It is suggested that the meeting may be arranged on third Saturdays of April, July, October and February with the permission of Chairperson. Member Secretary should be personally responsible for convening meetings.

Agenda and Follow up action
Action Taken on the recommendations of the previous meeting should be the first agenda item for the next meeting. The agenda should contain substantive issues to facilitate improvement in quality of implementation of the programmes.The status of the irregularities pointed out during the previous meeting should form integral part of the check-list during review meetings with the States/districts.
Follow up action:
Officers in-charge of the line departments executing the programmes reviewed by Disha should assist the Committee in the discharge of its functions. Follow up action on recommendations of the Disha committee should be initiated within 30 days of the meeting. Proceedings of meetings will be sent to relevant Ministries/Departments foraction. Action taken shall be monitored in Disha meetings. Meeting notice should reach all members at least 15 days prior to the meeting, Agendanote should reach all members at least 10 days prior to the meeting and Proceedings of the meetings should be issued within 10 days of the meeting. The Member Secretary should ensure that meeting notice, agenda notes and proceedings of meetings are uploaded on the website of the Ministry of Rural Development and also the website of the State. Regularity of the Disha meetings and follow up on its decisions will be regularly monitored at the time of making releases to States under Central and Centrally Sponsored programmes.

Expenditure for the meeting:
The District Administration may incur expenditure on holding the meeting of Disha at district level adhering to the norms applicable. The total expenditure should not, however, exceed Rs.2,00,000/- per meeting and the bills should be cleared by the concerned State Government/DRDA(or Zilla Panchayat) of the State based on actual. The norms for the expenditure for Disha are given below:
a. Non official members of Disha should be entitled for reimbursement of expenditure on local travel within the district for attending the Meetings as applicable to Group A Officers of the State.
b. Daily allowance may be allowed to non-official members at the State Government DA rate applicable for Group A Officers of the State. 
c. The District Administration may incur expenditure on light refreshments, arrangement of venue, minimum stationery required, etc. 
d. Regarding other logistics and infrastructural facilities required for the functioning of the Disha, the facilities available with the district headquarter may be made use of.
e. No expenditure should be allowed on items like computer, office accommodation, furniture, telephone etc.
f. The records of expenditure should be maintained at the district level and claims should be made by DRDA (or Zilla Panchayat) based on actual. 
g. The Ministry of Rural Development will reimburse the amount claimed by DRDA (or Zilla Panchayat) based on the actual expenditure incurred within the overall ceiling of Rs. 2,00,000/-.

Powers of the Committee
This Committee will have Coordination and Monitoring powers. Its role is to remove obstacles to timely completion of approved Projects. It will have powers in seeking effective follow up of issues raised during the deliberation. The District Collector will be the Member Secretary responsible for the timely follow up on recommendations.

Source: http://rural.nic.in/netrural/rural/sites/downloads/Monitoring/Disha_Guidelines_English.PDF

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