Financial Arrangement and Targets of PMAY - Gramin

Financial Arrangement and Targets of Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana - Gramin

Sharing of the Scheme Cost
The total cost of the programme of PMAY—G is Rs.1,30,075 crore for construction of 1.00 crore houses by 2018—19.The cost would be shared between the Government of India and the State Governments in the ratio of 60 : 40. In the case of North—Eastern States and the three Himalayan States viz., Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, the sharing pattern is in the ratio is 90:10. Government of India would provide the full cost in respect of Union Territories (UTs). 
3.1.2 The Central share of the total cost of the programme works out to Rs.81,975 crore out of which Rs.60,000 crore would be met from the budgetary support and Rs.21,975 crore would be met through borrowings from National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), which would be amortised through budgetary grants after 2022. 

Allocation of Scheme funds 
From the annual budgetary grant for PMAY—G, 95% of funds would be released to States/UTs for construction of new houses under PMAY-G. This will also include 4% allocation towards Administrative expenses. 5% of the budgetary grant would be retained at the Central Level as reserve fund for Special Projects.

The Annual allocation to the States/UTs shall be based on the Annual Action Plan (AAP) approved by the Empowered Committee of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. The State/UT wise total number of houses to be constructed in three years from 2016—17 to 2018—19 shall be finalised after completion of verification process by the Gram Sabha / Village Sabha or lowest unit of local self government as recognized by the respective State/ UT Panchayat Act in the States/UTs. The States/UTs may propose the annual target within the overall number of houses that have to be completed in three years as communicated by the Ministry.

Administrative expenses  
Upto 4% of the programme funds released to the States/UTs shall be utilised for administering the scheme. This 40/0 Administrative expenses is over and above the programme fund. Upto O.5% could be retained at the State/ UT level and 3.5 % shall be distributed to the Districts in proportion to their targets. The Administrative expenses shall be shared by the Centre and States in the same ratio as applicable to the main programme expenditure. The items of works that are permitted to be incurred under Administrative expenses are as follows:- 
i) Activities to sensitize and impart habitat and housing literacy to beneficiaries, 
ii) Construction of prototypes of house typologies for demonstration,
iii) Cost of supervision and monitoring of scheme implementation including mobility, IT (hardware and software) and Communications systems, office contingencies, incentives, etc, 
iv) Cost of setting up and operating PMU, including hiring of personnel on contract,
v) Cost towards training and Certification of masons, 
vi) Training of Community Resource Persons (CRPs) viz., NRLM compliant SHGs, Asha worker, Anganwadi worker and NGOs,
vii) Social audit and lEC Activities, 
viii) Payment of honorarium to CRPs and service charges to NGOS, 
ix) Training of officials and elected representatives of Panchayats including exposure visits, 
x) Conduct of assessments and studies including evaluation studies,
xi) Cost of demonstration of Innovative technologies and works related to housing,
xii) Cost of engaging llT/ NIT or other institutes of repute as State Technical Support Agency (STSA), 
xiii) Cost towards monitoring the quality of construction of PMAY-G houses.

Earmarking of Targets
To maintain 60% target for SC/ ST at the National Level, 60% of the target allocated to each State /UT should be earmarked for SC/STs subject to availability of eligible PMAY (G) beneficiaries as per SECC 2011 as verified by the Gram Sabha. Within earmarked targets the proportion of SC and ST is to be decided from time to time by the respective States/UTs. The States/UTs, upon deciding the proportion between SC and ST in their State, would communicate the same to the Ministry of Rural Development. Further, the States / UTs would be allowed to interchange targets between SC and ST if there are no eligible beneficiaries from either of the category and it is certified as such. In case all eligible SC and ST households are covered, the State / UT targets would be allocated to beneficiaries from 'Other' categories included in the Permanent Wait List drawn from SECC 2011.

The earmarking will only define the minimum limit that should be achieved and if State/UTs so desire they may add to target under these categories to ensure saturation. This would be in consonance with the category wise saturation approach which requires beneficiaries belonging to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups to be covered on a priority basis. 

Further, as far as possible, 15% of the total fund would be earmarked for Minorities at the National Level for households to be covered as per SECC 2011 as verified by Gram Sabhas. The allocation of targets for Minorities among the States/UTS will be on the basis of the proportionate rural population of Minorities in the respective State/ UT as per Census 2011 data. However, upon finalization of Permanent Wait List based on verification of SECC data by the Gram Sabha, the target of Minority in each State / UT would be re—calculated based on that. Minorities notified under Section 2(c) of the National Commission for Minorities Act, 1992 are to be considered eligible for receiving benefits against Minority earmarks.

Once the category SC/ ST and Minorities in a particular state has been exhausted, the same should be informed to the Ministry to avoid allotting any more targets to that particular social category in that State during the next year.

States may follow a saturation approach using the Gram Panchayat, Block or District as a unit. Priority shall be given to SAGY Gram Panchayats, Rurban clusters, Open Defecation Free Gram Panchayats and Gram Panchayat with strong social capital through DAY— NRLM Self Help Groups of women. Saturation approach improves supervision, availability of masons and materials, and comprehensive habitat planning. 

The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, provides for social security for persons with disabilities. Accordingly, in the scheme of PMAY-G while deciding the inter—se priority among the beneficiaries who are to be provided assistance, households with any disabled member and no able bodied adult member have been accorded additional deprivation score so that such households are given priority while allotting the houses. Keeping in view the provisions of the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995, the States to the extent possible, may ensure that 3% of beneficiaries at the State Level are from among persons with disabilities. 

Empowered committee 
There shall be an Empowered Committee chaired by Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India to approve the Annual Action Plan (AAP) of the States / UTs. The Empowered Committee shall consist of the of following members :—
a) Additional Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, 
b) Joint Secretary (Rural Housing), Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, 
c) Adviser, NlTl Aayog, 
d) Representative of HUDCO, 
e) Secretary dealing with Rural Housing, of the State/ UT concerned, 
f) Representative of Internal Finance Division. The Committee may co-opt any other person as required to assist it in its meetings 

The other functions of the Empowered Committee are:—
a) To approve Special Projects,
b) To approve State's criteria for determination of “difficult areas”, 
c) To review the programme, suggest studies etc,
d) Reallocation of targets, 
e) To approve supply of construction material in lieu of financial assistance and modalities thereof.

Annual Action Plan
The States/UTS should prepare a comprehensive Annual Action Plan (AAP) for implementation of PMAY—G. The Plan would, inter alia, include the roadmap for time—bound completion of the houses sanctioned and ensure convergence with other schemes.

The AAP for the State should contain the district-wise plan highlighting the strategy that is to be adopted for saturating priority households. The district-wise plan will also, inter alia, highlight mason training program, sources for construction material, facilitation of loan to the beneficiary, development and dissemination plan for house typologies, beneficiary sensitization workshops and all the amenities that will flow to the beneficiary through convergence with different schemes.

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