Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana

 Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana

 Dastkar Shashktikaran Yojana

Objective and methodology
Mobilization of the beneficiaries shall be undertaken in the clusters which needs to be taken up for development. The Geographical identity of such clusters should be clearly mentioned and limited to a village in Rural Areas or a ward in the Municipal areas. In special cases a cluster may contain adjoining villages within a span or diameter of three kilometers. This activity shall include mobilizing the artisans into SHGs, thrift and credit, training of SHGs on various aspects of forming and running the community business enterprise. With introduction of economic reforms through liberalization, privatization and globalization, India has entered into a new era of economic development and therefore, Community Empowerment programme for handicrafts sector/ cooperative/ SHGs is a must to empower the artisans by making them active entrepreneurs-cumprimary stake holders of development and bringing them to a visible platform which will help enhance their operational efficiency and competitiveness to face the new challenges and make them viable and self-supporting economic entity. While undertaking mobilization, care should be taken to leverage upon the SHGs already formed under various programmes being implemented by Government. Only where it is not feasible to do so, new SHGs, federation etc., should be formed.
Conduct survey of each artisan in the prescribed format
Mobilisation of artisans groups/SHG formation with office bearers,
Holding awareness camps for cluster artisans, discussion and formation of Annual action Plan of the activities,
Opening of Bank accounts of SHGs.
Facilitating opening of Bank accounts of Individual artisans under Jan Dhan Yojna,
Issue of Artisans’ Identity Cards (AIC) to all cluster artisans,
Processing of the surveyed data in MS Excel Sheet format containing artisans’ details such as identity card No., Photographs, Aadhar no., EPIC No., bank Account No. with
bank name.
Covering each artisan under RSBY and AABY Scheme,
Appointment of cluster Manager as per qualification and experience,
Formation and registration of Producer Company/ Federation/Institutions with at least 50% of the Cluster artisans as members/ shareholders,

Financial assistance and funding pattern
Financial Assistance will be provided to the tune of INR 300/- per artisan for the number of persons to be surveyed and mobilized for empowerment in the form of grant in aid.
Financial assistance will be provided for a maximum of Rs 1 lakh per year for a maximum of three years for formation of Producer Company/ Federation/Institution.
100% of the amount shall be released after registration as advance for the first year to the organization for formation and registration of Producer Company/ Federation/Institutions. From the second year onwards the organization will be provided 75% of their annual recurring expenditure in advance subject to a maximum of Rs 1 lakh, which will be reduced to 50% for the third year subject to a maximum of Rs 1 lakh. The grants will be released subject to the suitable conditions fulfilled by the organizations. The amount will be provided directly to the account of the organization.
In so far as possible existing SHGs formed under different schemes of Government of India and State Government should be leveraged. In short formation of new SHGs should be done only where no SHGs exist.

(b) Preparation of DPR/ DSR

Objective and methodology.
After formation identification of the SHGs/Society, the concerned Implementing Agency will prepare a diagnostic study report (DSR) in consultation with the stake holders and the Assistant Director of the local Marketing & Service Extension Centre for proposing further interventions in the cluster. In case of bigger clusters the Third Party Consultant/ Appraisers/ Moderator will study the data base of the handicraft cluster and prepare a composite DPR in consultation and participation of the artisans and the agency engaged for empowerment and also local government which will include the diagnostic study, interventions to be carried out in the cluster and the financial requirements for implementing the programmes contained in the DPR. The moderator will also monitor the programmes during the implementation. While preparing the DSR/DPR, following activities may be taken into account:

  • Skill mapping of the cluster
  • Details of product range average inventory of the artisans, marketing avenues, and working capital need.
  • Details of entrepreneur, master craftspersons, Shilp Gurus, National Awardees, National Merit Certificate holders, State Awardees in the cluster.
  • Existing infrastructure (both Government and non-Government) in support of handicraft development in the cluster.
  • Need Assessment and Gap Identification.
  • Sex caste and education ratio.
  • Details of local exporters/bulk buyers.
  • Details of other Government schemes being implemented.
  • The artisans’ organization should be successfully registered with at least 50% of the cluster artisans as their members/shareholders.

The DSR/ DPR should clearly set the objectives in terms of increasing artisan income,
total production, and encouraging new persons to take up handicrafts as full time/part
time activity and should invariably contain the following details:

  • Project area (specification of village, Development Block and District with map)
  • Target Group indicating number of artisans

Project Goal:
(i) Expected increase in sales of all cluster artisans from Rs.--- Lakhs to Rs. ---
(ii) Expected increase in the average daily earning of cluster artisans from Rs.
___ to Rs. __
(iii) Preserving Heritage/ Languishing Arts/Crafts,
Problems to be addressed,
Details of need assessment done (if any) in the area before deciding on the project,
Proposed interventions with yearly programs and expected expenditure,
Proposed system of procuring Raw Materials,
Proposed methodology of manufacturing/ branding/marketing etc.
(i) Machinery & Equipment//Tools to be used:
(ii) Kind of Raw-materials to be used and supportive accessories etc.
(iii) Design & Technology to be adopted.
(iv) Branding and promotional activities.
(v) Product line such as Home Furnishing, Garments/Dress Materials, and Kitchen
items etc.
(vi) Market linkages incorporating 3(11) above.
(vii) Targeting different markets
(viii) Capacity to Supply on demand.
Proposed methodology of manufacturing/ branding/marketing etc.
Proposed training on salesmanship, marketing and leadership development among the cluster artisans/groups to which make them competent to explore new markets and successfully sell their produces
Proposed training on packaging, branding and e-marketing of handicrafts.
Proposed Plan for innovative methods of promoting cluster produces.

The DPR/DSR will be prepared by the implementing agency in consultation with departmental officers. The requirements of handicrafts sector such as design input, marketing support, and training requirement are well known and there is ample institutional knowledge with the department in this regard. The departmental officers will assist the Implementing agency in preparation of the proposal and implementation thereof. Services of consultants for preparation of DPR may be taken only in cases having sizable financial implications and depending upon requirement only. In case, it is desirable to engage Third party Consultants/ Appraisers/Moderators, the same shall be appointed by the O/o DC (Handicrafts) from among the empanelled agencies. The third party Consultant should appoint a dedicated and qualified person for hand-holding purposes for three years or the project duration whichever is earlier.

Financial assistance and funding pattern
Financial Assistance will be provide up to a maximum of Rs.2.00 lakh per annum per appraiser/moderator for a period of 3 years in case of third party consultants. Nil in case of implementing agency

(c) Project Management Cost including Wage compensation to cluster manager

Objective and methodology
Implementing agency will be responsible for over all project management, implementation of various interventions in a timely and effective manner with a view to facilitate bulk production and sourcing of goods. Towards this end, apart from other things, implementing agency will appoint a cluster manager, who should be a graduate. Graduates from IICT, NIFT, IIHT, BCDI, IRMA etc. will be preferred as Cluster Managers. Agency will have the liberty to appoint a cluster manager subject to the conditions of experience in cluster development and minimum educational qualification of graduation. Further, an ex-serviceman for day to day management of CFC, book-keeping etc may also be engaged.

Financial assistance and funding pattern
In case of implementing agencies, an amount of Rs 5 lakh per annum will be given for a period of three years towards Project Management Cost. This will also include engagement of IICT, NIFT, IIHT, BCDI, IRMA graduates etc as cluster managers for handholding purposes and an ex-serviceman for day to day management of CFC, book-keeping etc.

(d) – Comprehensive Development Support:
The Technological marketing, skill improvement, infrastructure and any other requirement of the Clusters shall be met through the various interventions mentioned in the National Handicraft Development Programme. Eligible agencies can apply for any intervention provided that the requirement and necessity of the intervention has been established in the diagnostic study and DPR. In case the Implementing Agency is not eligible for a necessary intervention as per the DPR, it shall identify an eligible agency for implementing that intervention and the same will be sanctioned to the eligible agency as may be decided by the office of the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts).
The handicrafts Clusters sanctioned earlier and where project life has ended but the interventions have either not started or implemented in a scattered/ ineffective way will also be considered as per the need of the cluster. While identifying such clusters tourism potential of the area should also be taken into consideration.

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