National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education (NSIGSE) (CSS).

Central Sponsored Scheme of Himachal Pradesh

National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education (NSIGSE) (CSS).

This is a centrally sponsored scheme for SC/ST girl students who take admission in 9th class after passing Middle Standard Examination. The girls under this scheme should not have completed sixteen years age as on 31st March of the year. The amount of incentive under this scheme is Rs 3,000/- and will be given in the shape of a Time Deposit.
The amount can be withdrawn when the girl attains the age of eighteen years provided that she had studied for two years regularly in some Government, Government-aidedorlocalbodyHigh/Sr. Sec. School and passed the Matriculation Examination. All girls who have passed Middle standard Examination from Kasturba Gandhi BalikaVidyalya irrespective of caste/religion are eligible for this scholarship.

The printed copy of the Online Scholarship Form (after successful online submission of form), along with all requisite documents, needs to be submitted by the student to his / her Head of the Institute, who will retain it in the institution. The Institution will further forward the duly attested printed form (after successful online verification) along with the Verified Candidate List(s) (on the prescribed format) to the concerned DDHE for online verification & cross-checking. After successful online verification, the DDHE shall return the forms to the concerned schools. The DDHE also need to forward the Verified Candidate List(s) in r/o their respective district(s) to this Directorate. 

In case, any offline application form is received by the Head of the Institute / DDHE, he / she is directed to return the same to the concerned student / institute, at his / her own level; & to direct the sender to fill the form online & submit the printed copy of the Online Application Form, afterwards, through the same channel. 

Students under this Scholarship Scheme , need to apply online at , as per the time schedule advertised from time to time through various newspapers of the state, and through the aforementioned Minority website , & HP ePASS website. 

Scheme Specific Document(s) Required: 

1. Passport Size Photo.
2. AADHAAR Card(UID / EID No).
3. Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
4. Previous Year(s) Result Card(s).
5. Latest Bank Statement of the Students Bank Account.
6. SC / ST Category Certificate (Issued by an officer not below the rank of Tehsildar).
7. Middle Pass Certificate from KGBV (in case of General Category Girls). 


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