Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana: Starred Question in Loksabha

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana

(a) the number of villages covered under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) and the number of those yet to be connected by roads, State/UTwise; 
(b) the total length of roads constructed under various phases of the scheme during the Twelfth Five Year Plan period and 2017-18, State/UT and year-wise; 
(c) the details of the funds allocated, sanctioned, released and the expenditure incurred under various phases of PMGSY during the said period, State/UT-wise and year-wise; 
(d) whether the work on certain projects under the scheme is running behind the schedule; and 
(e) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor, State/UT-wise?



STARRED QUESTION NO: 97                                                    ANSWERED ON: 08.02.2018

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana


Will the Minister of RURAL DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-

(a) the number of villages covered under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) and the number of those yet to be connected by roads, State/UTwise; 
(b) the total length of roads constructed under various phases of the scheme during the Twelfth Five Year Plan period and 2017-18, State/UT and year-wise; 
(c) the details of the funds allocated, sanctioned, released and the expenditure incurred under various phases of PMGSY during the said period, State/UT-wise and year-wise; 
(d) whether the work on certain projects under the scheme is running behind the schedule; and 
(e) if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor, State/UT-wise?



(a) to (e): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to Parts (a) to (e) of Lok Sabha Starred Question No. 97 for answer on 08.02.2018

(a): Rural Roads’ is a State subject and Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) is a one-time special intervention of Government of India to provide rural connectivity, by way of a single all-weather road, to the eligible unconnected habitations in the core network with a population of 500 persons and above (Census 2001) in plain areas and 250 and above in Special Category States. As per PMGSY guidelines, the unit of the programme is habitation and not a Village. The number of eligible unconnected habitations as per the Core Network under PMGSY is 1,78,184, out of which the Ministry has sanctioned 1, 64,547 habitations till 31st December, 2017. The States have reported to have connected 1,30,974 habitations by all-weather road till 31st December,2017. Further, the States have completed 14,620 habitations, which are a part of core network of PMGSY, through State Sponsored Schemes bringing total connectivity to 1,45,594 habitations. 

(b): State/UT and year-wise details of the total length of roads constructed under various phases of the scheme during the Twelfth Five Year Plan period and 2017-18 (till 31st December, 2017) is given at Annexure –I.

(c): Under PMGSY, the allocation/release of funds to the States is based on the execution capacity and the works in hand of the respective States. During 12th five year plan, total allocation for PMGSY (Revised Estimate) was Rs. 73,126 crore. For the current year, allocation at revised estimate is Rs. 16,900 crore. State/UT-wise and year wise details of funds released and the expenditure incurred under various phases of PMGSY during Twelfth Five Year Plan period and 2017-18 (till 31st January, 2018) is given at Annexure – II.

(d) to (e): As per the programme guidelines, the relevant projects are required to be executed and completed within 9 working months. In case, the period for execution is likely to be adversely affected by monsoon or other seasonal factors, the time period for execution would be 12 calendar months. Where a package comprises more than one roadwork, the total time given for completion of the package shall not exceed 12 months. Time limit upto 18 calendar months is allowed for completion of State-I work of hill roads. However, certain projects got delayed for completion for various reasons.
Reasons for the delay in the implementation of PMGSY in some of the States as reported by them, inter-alia, include: 

i) Inadequate execution and contracting capacity;
ii) Difficult terrain particularly in Hill States and North-Eastern States; shorter working season;
iii) Scarcity of the construction materials.

Out of 1,46,145 works sanctioned prior to 2015-16 (more than 2 years old), 1,38, 439 works have been completed. The State/UT wise details of works sanctioned and completed is given at Annexure-III.
The Government of India has taken number of initiatives to accelerate execution of PMGSY to substantially complete the habitation connectivity as per the Core Network of PMGSY by March,2019. 

Source: Loksabha

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