Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme
the salient features of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme, districts selected/covered and the Child Sex Ratio (CSR) thereunder along with the funds allocated, released and utilised under the scheme during each of the last three years and the current year, State/ UT-wise;
(b) whether the Government has not released any funds to some States/UTs, particularly Telangana under the scheme in spite of repeated requests therefrom, if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor along with the corrective measures taken by the Government for release of funds;
(c) whether the Goverement proposes to further expand the scheme so as to include more/all districts there under and if so, the details thereof;
(d) the impact of the scheme in improving the CSR in the country indicating the assessment study, if any, made in this regard and the outcome thereof;
(e) the geographical areas in which implementation of the scheme is more challenging along with the additional measures, if any, being taken by the Government in these areas; and
(f) the further measures taken by the Government to popularise the scheme and address the problem of CSR in the country?
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme
Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
the salient features of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme, districts selected/covered and the Child Sex Ratio (CSR) thereunder along with the funds allocated, released and utilised under the scheme during each of the last three years and the current year, State/ UT-wise;
(b) whether the Government has not released any funds to some States/UTs, particularly Telangana under the scheme in spite of repeated requests therefrom, if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor along with the corrective measures taken by the Government for release of funds;
(c) whether the Goverement proposes to further expand the scheme so as to include more/all districts there under and if so, the details thereof;
(d) the impact of the scheme in improving the CSR in the country indicating the assessment study, if any, made in this regard and the outcome thereof;
(e) the geographical areas in which implementation of the scheme is more challenging along with the additional measures, if any, being taken by the Government in these areas; and
(f) the further measures taken by the Government to popularise the scheme and address the problem of CSR in the country?
(a) & (c): Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Schene (BBBP) was launched by Hon'' Prime Minister on 22nd January, 2015, addresses the declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR) and related issues of women empowerment and aims to change mindsets to value girl child. It is a tri-ministerial effort of Ministries of Women and Child Development, Health & Family Welfare and Human Resource Development. The key elements of the scheme include nation-wide awareness and advocacy campaign and multi- sectoral interventions. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme is currently being implemented in 161 districts across the country. The Government of India has decided to expand the BBBP scheme and covering all the 640 districts (as per census 2011) in the Country, through Multi -sectoral intervention in 244 districts in addition to existing 161 districts and Alert District Media & Advocacy in 235 districts. A list of States/UTs wise Child Sex Ration (CSR) is at Annexure –I, a list of States/UTs wise number of districts selected for multi- sectoral interventions and advocacy & media campaign is at Annexure-II and a list of States/UTs wise funds released under the scheme during last three years and current year is at Annexure-III.
No such situation happened under BBBP Scheme where funds have not been released on receipt of complete District Action Plan from States/UTs.
(d) To improve the Child Sex Ratio and to create an enabling environment for the education of girl child is a long-term challenge. CSR is calculated on Decadal basis by Registrar General of India through census. As per HMIS data of MoHFW, out of 161 selected districts, sex ratio at birth (SRB) has shown improving trend in 104 districts (1 district stable trend) in the period between 2015-16 and 2016-17. There are indications of initial encouraging trends. BBBP is already capturing collective consciousness in the Country. The scheme has been well received and in the last three years, several local innovative interventions have been demonstrated by the districts and States/UTs with support from Departments of WCD, Health & Education, besides National Media and advocacy campaigns through I&B.
(e) BBBP scheme is now being implemented in all 640 districts as per census 2011 across the country. It aims to address the issue of declining Child Sex Ratio (CSR) through a mass campaign across the country targeted at changing societal mindsets and creating awareness about the criticality of the issue. It is a joint initiative of Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Ministry of Human Resource Development. The Sectoral interventions under the programme include the following:
i) Ministry of Women and Child Development: Promote registration of pregnancies in first trimester; Undertake training of stakeholders; Community mobilization & sensitization; Identify and involve Gender Champions; Reward & recognition of institutions and frontline workers.
ii) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare: Monitoring for effective implementation of Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCP&DT) Act, 1994 includes strengthening PNDT Cells and setting up monitoring committees; Increase institutional deliveries; Promoting registration of births.
iii) Ministry of Human Resource Development: Ensure universal enrolment of girls; achieve decreased drop-out rate; Implement girl child friendly standards in schools; Strict implementation of Right to Education (RTE); Construction of functional toilets for girls.
(f) Multi-sectoral interventions and Media campaign and advocacy outreach of BBBP are taken up for greater coverage/reach in the country. BBBP is already capturing collective consciousness in the Country. To sensitize the masses and for changing their mindset a Nation-wide 360 degree campaign launched which includes radio spots/jingles in Hindi and regional languages, video spots. SMS campaigns, community engagement through various media activities such as mobile exhibition vans, and field publicity Mailers, Hand-outs, Brochures and other IEC material in English, Hindi and regional languages as well. Nukkad Natak are taken up in hindi and regional languages.
Source: Loksabha
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