Dr. Satya Pal Singh holds review of Namami Gange Projects in Rishikesh in Uttarakhand

Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation

Dr. Satya Pal Singh holds review of Namami Gange Projects in Rishikesh in Uttarakhand

Visits Sites of Muni-Ki-Reti and Swargashram Projects; Instructs Officials to Expedite Work and Adhere to Timelines

Posted On: 04 JUN 2018 1:25PM by PIB Delhi

Minister of State for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Dr. Satya Pal Singh visited Rishikesh to review the progress of projects in the town under the Namami Gange programme. Dr. Singh, on Saturday night, visited the project site at Swargashram where a 3 Million Litres Per Day (MLD) Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) is being upgraded under the Namami Gange programme at a cost of Rs. 5.197 crore. The work on this project is expected to be completed soon. MoS instructed the officials to expedite work and ensure adherence to deadlines.

On Sunday, Dr. Singh visited the project sites of the STP and Interception and Diversion (I&D) works going on at Muni-Ki-Reti where a comprehensive sewerage management package was sanctioned costing Rs. 80.45 crore. At Muni-Ki-Reti, work on two STPs (5 MLD + 7.5 MLD), two Sewage Pumping Stations, laying of sewer lines is under progress at a swift pace. Dr. Singh also visited the Triveni ghat in Rishikesh and took stock of the existing Sewage Pumping Station operational there.

 While showing his satisfaction at the progress, Dr. Satya Pal Singh urged the officials to finish the work in a time-bound manner. The project at Muni-Ki-Reti is scheduled to be completed by March 2019.

Source: PIB

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