Implementation of Government Schemes: Unstarred Question in Loksabha

Implementation of Government Schemes

(a) whether the Government has evaluated programmes/schemes under implementation, if so, the details thereof;
(b) The details of the allocation of funds made for various major programmes during the last three years;
(c) whether the allocated funds have not been spent and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;
(d) whether any committee has been constituted/to be constituted to monitor, supervise and give advice for proper spending and implementation of these programmes/schemes by the Miniseries and Departments of Government of India /State Governments /UTs-wise; and 
(e) if so, the details thereof?


UNSTARRED QUESTION NO: 100                                   ANSWERED ON: 18.07.2018

Implementation of Government Schemes


Will the Minister of PLANNING be pleased to state:-

(a) whether the Government has evaluated programmes/schemes under implementation, if so, the details thereof;
(b) The details of the allocation of funds made for various major programmes during the last three years;
(c) whether the allocated funds have not been spent and if so, the details thereof and the reasons therefor;
(d) whether any committee has been constituted/to be constituted to monitor, supervise and give advice for proper spending and implementation of these programmes/schemes by the Miniseries and Departments of Government of India /State Governments /UTs-wise; and 
(e) if so, the details thereof?


(a): Ministries/Departments of the Government of India conduct evaluation studies for their schemes/programmes and NITI Aayog also conducts concurrent evaluations of selected programmes/schemes. Besides this, in States, the State evaluation offices conduct evaluations of prominent schemes/programmes. Guidelines are in-place to spell out Evaluation arrangement in the scheme/programme. Further, continuation of schemes from one period to another is not permissible without a third party evaluation. List of programmes evaluated by the Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office, NITI Aayog is attached as Annexure-I.

(b)&(c): The funds are allocated in the Expenditure Budget to the different Ministries/Departments in a scheme-wise manner and the Ministries/Departments monitor the release and utilization of funds as per the specific scheme guidelines. Most of the ministries and departments are using the Direct Benefit Transfer platform for seamless and expeditious flow of benefits to the last mile beneficiaries. The overall expenditure profile of the Budget documents of the financial years 2015-16 (Actual), 2016-17 (Actual) and 2017-18 (RE) are as below:
(In Rs Crores)
2015-16 (Actual) 2016-17 (Actual) 2017-18 (R.E.)
Central Sponsored Scheme (CSS) 203740.42 241295.55 285581.44
Central Sector Scheme (CS) 521373.98 589470.61 634318.08
However, the scheme-wise allocation/utilization of funds under the various Centrally Sponsored Schemes and Central Sector Schemes for the last three years are available at the following links of the Government of India website:
(d)&(e): The primary responsibility for monitoring and supervising the implementation of schemes lies with the concerned Ministries/Departments. However, the Government of India had constituted 8 Groups of Secretaries (GoS) to look into 8 thematic areas and give recommendations to improve the Governance and Growth in these areas. Recommendations of the Thematic GoS were circulated in February, 2016 among the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India with a direction to prepare Action Plan to implement GoS recommendation pertaining to them. Similarly, the Government constituted another 8 GoS on 8 sectors and their reports were also circulated in January, 2017 among the Ministries/Departments in the Government of India with a direction to prepare time-bound Action Plans for implementation of the recommendation pertaining to them. The 8 rapporteurs of the Sectoral GoS were given the responsibility to monitor the implementation of Sectoral and Thematic Action Plans prepared by the Ministries/Departments. The list of 8 Thematic Areas and 8 Sectors are attached as Annexure-II:

List of Programmes evaluated by DMEO, NITI Aayog during last 3 years 
(2015-16 to 2017-18)
Sl. Studies by DMEO FY Ministries 
1. Evaluation Study on Direct Benefits Transfer in Food(Results from one year of Process Monitoring) :
The Evaluation Report was issued on September, 2017 2017-18 DFPD
2. Quick Evaluation Study on Indira Gandhi Matritva SahyogYojana (IGMSY):
The Evaluation Report was issued in April, 2017. 2017-18 WCD
3. Quick Evaluation Study on Nai Roshni (The scheme for leadership development of Minority Women).
The Evaluation Report was issued in July, 2016. 2016-17 SJE (Minority Affairs)
4. Efficacy of Minimum Support Price to Agriculture Farmers (MSP):
The Evaluation Report was issued in February, 2016. 2015-16
5. Command Area Development and Water Management Programme (CADWMP):
The Evaluation Report was issued in December, 2015. 2015-16

Water Resource
6. Border Area Development Programme (BADP):
The Evaluation Report was issued in July, 2015. 2015-16 Home
7. Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV):
The Evaluation Report was issued in july, 2015 2015-16 School Education
8. Rajiv Gandhi Gramin VIdyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY):
The Evaluation Report was issued in July, 2015. 2015-16 Power
9. Backward Region Grant Fund (BRGF):
The Evaluation Report was issued in October, 2015. 2015-16 Rural Development
10. Quick Evaluation study on Anaganwadis under ICDS:
The Evaluation Report was issued in July, 2015. 2015-16
11. Role of Public Distribution System in shaping Household and Nutritional Security:
The Evaluation Report was issued in Dec., 2016 2016-17

Eight Thematic areas
i) Good Governance –Challenges and Opportunities
ii) Employment Generation Strategies
iii) Farmer Centric Issues in Agriculture and Allied Sectors
iv) Energy Conservation and Efficiency
v) Innovation Budgeting and Effective Implementation
vi) Accelerated Growth with Inclusion and Equity
vii) Swachh Bharat and Ganga Rejuvenation
viii) Health and Education: Universal Access and Quality

Eight Sectors 
i) Transport & communications
ii) Energy & Environment 
iii) Health, Sanitation and UD Report
iv) Education & Social Development
v) Commerce & Industry
vi) Science & Technology
vii) Governance Final Report
viii) Crisis Management

Source: Loksabha

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