Insurance under PMFBY: Unstarred Question in Loksabha

Insurance under PMFBY

(a) the details of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) along with the details of insurer companies and system of approval for insurance of agricultural yield; 
(b) the number of farmers provided insurance under the PMFBY till date; 
(c) the details of the premium collected since the launch of PMFBY till date, State/ Union Territory-wise and date-wise;
(d) the details of insurance amount released, State/Union Territory-wise and date-wise; 
(e) whether the insurers have returned the premium collected from the farmers in Kerala, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and 
(f) the corrective steps taken by the Government in this regard?



UNSTARRED QUESTION NO: 972                                   ANSWERED ON: 24.07.2018

Insurance under PMFBY


Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE be pleased to state:-

(a) the details of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) along with the details of insurer companies and system of approval for insurance of agricultural yield; 
(b) the number of farmers provided insurance under the PMFBY till date; 
(c) the details of the premium collected since the launch of PMFBY till date, State/ Union Territory-wise and date-wise;
(d) the details of insurance amount released, State/Union Territory-wise and date-wise; 
(e) whether the insurers have returned the premium collected from the farmers in Kerala, if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and 
(f) the corrective steps taken by the Government in this regard?




(a): The flagship scheme of Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) was introduced from Kharif 2016 season in the country. The salient features of the Scheme include interalia comprehensive risk coverage from pre-sowing to post harvest losses due to non-preventable natural risks; minimum uniform fixed premium rate payable by farmers i.e. maximum 2% for Kharif crops, 1.5% for Rabi Crop and 5% for annual commercial/horticultural crops, with balance of actuarial/bidded premium to be shared by the Central and State Government on 50 : 50 basis; the sum insured has been made equal to Scale of Finance to maximize the risk coverage; realistic assessment of losses by lowering of unit area of insurance to village/village panchayat level for assessment of losses of major crops and to individual farm level for assessment of losses due to localised calamities of hailstorm, landslide and inundation and post-harvest losses; stipulation of time lines for every stage of the claim settlement cycle with final settlement to be done within two months from harvest; adoption of technology for accurate and transparent loss assessment through capture of Crop Cutting Experiments (CCEs) data through smartphones/ CCE Agri App on National Crop Insurance Portal and use of Remote Sensing Technology. 



Government of India has empanelled 18 insurance companies for implementation of PMFBY which include beside the Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. (AIC) all four public sector general insurance companies and 13 private general insurance companies, list of which is at Annexure-I.

The Scheme is being implemented on area approach basis for wide spread natural calamities like drought, floods etc. and on individual farm level for losses due to localised calamities of hailstorm, landslide and inundation and for post-harvest losses.

Under PMFBY, in the area based /end of season assessment of yield loss, as per scheme provisions, in case ‘Actual Yield’ (AY) per hectare of insured crop for the insurance unit (calculated on the basis of requisite number of Crop Cutting Experiments), falls short of specified ‘Threshold Yield’ (TY), all insured farmers growing that crop in the defined/notified area are deemed to have suffered shortfall in yield of similar magnitude and claims are worked out and paid to them as per following formula :
Threshold Yield (TY) – Actual Yield (AY)
---------------------------------------------------- X Sum Insured
Threshold Yield (TY)

Individual farm level claims for localised calamities of hailstorm, landslide and inundation and for post-harvest losses are worked out on the basis of survey conducted by the committee comprising of State Government and insurance company representatives. 

(b) to (d): State/Union Territory-wise details of number of farmer applicants covered, premium collected, estimated claims and claims paid since launch of PMFBY are given in Annexure-II. 

(e) & (f): As per scheme provisions, premium is collected by the insurance company in consideration for coverage of risk to crops and claims if any, on account of yield loss whether they are more or less than the premium collected, are settled/paid to the farmers by insurance companies. As such the premium collected by insurance companies, whether from the farmers or from the Government as subsidy is not returned by the insurance companies and only admissible claims are settled by them. 

Source: Loksabha

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