PM Kisan Sampada Yojana : Unstarred Question in Loksabha

PM Kisan Sampada Yojana

Will the Minister of FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES be pleased to state:-

(a) whether the Government has launched a new scheme ‘Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana’ and if so, the details thereof including its objectives and salient features;
(b) the number of projects approved under Agro Processing Clusters, Backward – Forward linkage and unit scheme so far, State-wise including Bundelkhand region;
(c) whether the Government has set target for creation of 4 lakh jobs by March, 2019 in the Food Processing Industries, if so, the steps taken in this regard;
(d) whether the Government has decided to create a new financial institution that will exclusively fund food processing projects and create capacity building in the field of risk assessment and lending to food processing sector, if so, the facts in this regard; and

(e) whether the Government has made investment commitment of nearly Rs.1,00,000 crore in the last one year alone and if so, the extent to which it has started and grounding and the extent to which Bundelkhand region will be benefitted?



UNSTARRED QUESTION NO: 1044                           ANSWERED ON: 24.07.2018

PM Kisan Sampada Yojana

Shrirang Appa Barne

Will the Minister of FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES be pleased to state:-

(a) whether the Government has launched a new scheme ‘Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana’ and if so, the details thereof including its objectives and salient features;
(b) the number of projects approved under Agro Processing Clusters, Backward – Forward linkage and unit scheme so far, State-wise including Bundelkhand region;
(c) whether the Government has set target for creation of 4 lakh jobs by March, 2019 in the Food Processing Industries, if so, the steps taken in this regard;
(d) whether the Government has decided to create a new financial institution that will exclusively fund food processing projects and create capacity building in the field of risk assessment and lending to food processing sector, if so, the facts in this regard; and
(e) whether the Government has made investment commitment of nearly Rs.1,00,000 crore in the last one year alone and if so, the extent to which it has started and grounding and the extent to which Bundelkhand region will be benefitted?



(a): Government of India approved a new Central Sector Scheme – PRADHAN MANTRI KISAN SAMPADA YOJANA - (PMKSY) on 3rd May, 2017 with an allocation of Rs. 6,000 crore for the period 2016-20 coterminous with the 14th Finance Commission cycle. The following schemes are implemented under “PMKSY”:

(i). Mega Food Parks
(ii). Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure
(iii). Creation / Expansion of Food Processing & Preservation Capacities (New)
(iv). Infrastructure for Agro-processing Clusters (New)
(v). Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages (New)
(vi). Food Safety and Quality Assurance Infrastructure
(vii). Human Resources and Institutions
PMKSY is a comprehensive package resulting in creation of modern infrastructure with efficient supply chain management from farm gate to retail outlet. Not only it provides a big boost to the growth of food processing sector in the country but also help in providing better prices to farmers and is a big step towards doubling of farmers’ income, creating huge employment opportunities especially in the rural areas, reducing wastage of agricultural produce, increasing the processing level and enhancing the export of the processed foods. 

(b): The number of projects approved under Agro Processing Clusters, Backward – Forward linkage and unit scheme so far, State-wise are given in the Annexure. No projects under these new schemes have so far been sanctioned for Bundelkhand Region.

(c): The PMKSY is expected to leverage investment of Rs. 31400 crore, handling of 334 lakh MT agro-produce valuing Rs. 1,04,125 crore, benefit 20 lakh farmers and generate 5,30,500 direct/ indirect employment in the country by the year 2019-20.

(d): Government in the Union Budget 2018-19 has announced to promote establishment of Specialized Agro Processing Financial Institutions in the food processing sector. Inter-Ministerial consultations are being held on the memorandum for Standing Finance Committee (SFC).

(e): The World Food India 2017 event organized by Ministry of Food Processing Industries has attracted investment intent of about US Dollar 13.56 billion from domestic and foreign investors. 50 MoUs have been signed with domestic and foreign companies by the Government of India and 131 MoUs have been signed by the States. The major companies which have signed MoUs are from various countries including USA, Germany, UAE, Thailand, Denmark, France and Indian Companies. The States which signed MoUs include Telangana, Haryana, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

Regarding grounding status, the duration of the investment proposals of the investor varies from investor to investor, depending on their phased plans and completion of the different phases, besides their internal factors as well. Quite a few companies have also started grounding the project.

Source: Loksabha

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