Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana

Ministry of Finance

Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana

Posted On: 07 AUG 2018 6:24PM by PIB Delhi

Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana (PMSBY) was launched on 9th May, 2015 with a view to enhance the level of insurance penetration in the country and to provide insurance cover to common people especially poor and the Under-privileged Sections of the society. The enrolments under PMSBY have gradually increased since its launch. As on 31st July 2018, 13.74 crore people have been covered under PMSBY across the country.

The details of enrolments under the scheme are as follows:





Gross enrolment (in crore)




* Figures as on 31st July, 2018.

The steps that have been taken by the Government to increase the awareness among the people to attract towards the scheme are as under:-

i)  The Government as well as the Public Sector Insurance Companies and Banks had organized massive campaign through media to create awareness amongst large sections of population and also carried outreach efforts to facilitate access to the schemes.

ii) Regular advertisements about PMSBY are being carried-out in the newspapers, TV and radio.

iii) An exclusive website, which hosts all relevant material / information including forms, rules, frequently asked questions (FAQs) etc. related to this Scheme in English, Hindi and Regional Languages was created.

iv) Posters and banners have been displayed regarding the Scheme in various offices of Banks and Insurance Companies across the country.

v) Public Sector General Insurance Companies (PSGICs) and Banks had coordinated with State Governments and put up camps at 50 locations across the country for publicizing and increasing enrollments under PMSBY during the Mudra Campaign held in October, 2017

vi) A Special Campaign Gram Swaraj Abhiyan was organized from 14th April, 2018 to 5th May, 2018 and further extended from 1st June, 2018 to 15th August, 2018 targeting poor households for providing universal coverage under PMSBY wherein the PSGICs and banks have been putting up stalls to enroll people in such Schemes. Under the Gram Swaraj Campaign,   44, 15,817 people have been enrolled under PMSBY.

vii) The progress of settlement of claims under this Scheme is monitored regularly by the Government. Any complaints in respect of the Scheme are dealt in coordination with banks and insurance companies in getting it resolved expeditiously.

This was stated by Shri Shiv Pratap Shukla, Minister of State for Finance in a Written Reply to a Question in Rajya Sabha today.

Source: PIB

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