15.94 lakh people provided short term training under PMKVY during 2017-18

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

15.94 lakh people provided short term training under PMKVY during 2017-18

Posted On: 12 DEC 2018 4:14PM by PIB Delhi

Under Skill India Mission, the Government is implementing various schemes for imparting employable skills to the youth through short term and long term training. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is implementing a flagship scheme known as Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) on pan–India basis including the state of Punjab to impart short term training. PMKVY was launched on 15th July, 2015. After successful implementation of scheme during 2015-16, Government has modified its guidelines for 4 years (2016-20) to make it more effective, transparent and beneficiary oriented. 15,94,183 people have been provided short term training under PMKVY during 2017-18.

Most of the militant affected areas in the country fall under the Special Areas for the purpose of PMKVY (2016 – 20). These include the state of Jammu & Kashmir, 8 North East States and 35 worst affected Left Wing Extremism (LWE) districts. To promote skilling in the Special Areas, many special considerations are given like boarding and lodging support; to and fro transport cost; post placement support. In addition, 10% extra cost is provided for training in special areas. Other than these, the Government is implementing a number of schemes to improve the skill development industry in militant affected states like ‘Enhancing Skill Development Infrastructure in North Eastern States and Sikkim’ and ‘Skill Development in 47 Districts affected by Left Wing Extremism (LWE)’.

This information was given by Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship     Shri Anant Kumar Hegde in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha today.


 Source: PIB

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