Minority Welfare Schemes : Unstarred Question in Loksabha

Minority Welfare Schemes

(a) the details of Physical and Financial Achievements of Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/ Crafts for Development (USTTAD) and NAI ROSHNI Schemes for the last four years and the current financial year; 
(b) the number of Minority Youths placed after participating in SEEKHO AUR KAMAO (Learn and Earn) during the last five years; 
(c) whether SEEKHO AUR KAMAO ensures placements of minimum 75% trainees, out of which at least 50% placement is in organized sector and if so, the number of minority youths provided employment during the last three years, State-wise; and 
(d) the details of recruitment of people from minority communities by various Ministries/Departments, PSUs and PSBs, during the last five years?




UNSTARRED QUESTION NO: 1586                                          ANSWERED ON: 19.12.2018

Minority Welfare Schemes


Will the Minister of MINORITY AFFAIRS be pleased to state:-

(a) the details of Physical and Financial Achievements of Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/ Crafts for Development (USTTAD) and NAI ROSHNI Schemes for the last four years and the current financial year; 
(b) the number of Minority Youths placed after participating in SEEKHO AUR KAMAO (Learn and Earn) during the last five years; 
(c) whether SEEKHO AUR KAMAO ensures placements of minimum 75% trainees, out of which at least 50% placement is in organized sector and if so, the number of minority youths provided employment during the last three years, State-wise; and 
(d) the details of recruitment of people from minority communities by various Ministries/Departments, PSUs and PSBs, during the last five years?



(a): The details of physical and financial achievements under the schemes of USTTAD and Nai Roshni during last four years and current year are as follows:

(i) Upgrading the Skills and Training in Traditional Arts/ Crafts for Development (USTTAD): an amount of Rs. 69.19 crore has been released from the year 2014-15 to till date. Total 16,200 trainees have been trained till now under USTTAD scheme. Further, physical targets of 2017-18 have been combined with the physical targets of 2018-19 around 7,300 trainees.

(ii) Nai Roshni - the scheme for Leadership Development of Minority Women: An amount of Rs. 70.13 crore has been released for 2,86,500 women candidates from the year 2014-15 to till date.

(b): “Seekho aur Kamao (Learn & Earn)”- Skill development Initiative for minorities: “Seekho aur Kamao (Learn and Earn)” is a placement linked skill development scheme, implemented by the Ministry of Minority Affairs through selected Project Implementing Agencies (PIAs) all over the country. Total 1,17,689 trainees have been placed during last five years after being trained. 
(c): Yes Madam, the state wise trainees placed during last three years is enclosed at Annexure.
(d): The Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) is the nodal Department for collection of data and other matters regarding recruitment of minority communities in the Central Ministries/ Departments, Public Sector Units (PSUs), Public Sector Companies and Financial Institutions. The consolidated data on recruitment of the various minority communities in respect of Government Services and PSUs, collected from various Ministries/Departments by the DoPT during the period 2012-13 to 2015-16, is as under:

During 2012-13, 6.91% employees from minority communities were recruited in Government services and PSUs. During 2013-14, 7.89% employees from minority communities were recruited in Government services and PSUs. For the year 2014-15, 8.56% employees from minority communities were recruited in Government services and PSUs (as per information received from 79 Ministries/Departments). For the year 2015-16, 7.5% employees from minority communities were recruited in Government services and PSUs (as per information received so far from 44 Ministries/Departments only).


Source: Loksabha

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