Year End Review of Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (Ministry of Rural Development)

Ministry of Rural Development

Year End Review of Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana - National Rural Livelihoods Mission (Ministry of Rural Development)

Posted On: 03 JAN 2019 4:41PM by PIB Delhi

Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) seeks to reach out to 8-9 crore rural poor households and organize one woman member from each household into affinity-based women SHGs and federations at village level and at higher levels.


During 2018-19 (as on October 2018), 588 additional blocks have been covered under “Intensive” implementation strategy of DAY-NRLM bringing the cumulative total to 5054 blocks.
During the year 2018-19 so far, over 73 lakh households have been mobilized into 6.75 lakh SHGs.
SHGs have also been extended a capitalization support of Rs. 743.29 crore.
A total amount of Rs. 24082 lakh has been disbursed to 1.63 lakh SHGs as Revolving Fund (RF) while Rs. 50247 lakh has been disbursed to 92765 SHGs and their federation as Community Investment Fund (CIF) so far during 2018-19.
The SHG-Bank Linkage programme has seen tremendous growth year on year under DAY-NRLM. During this financial year, about 17.57 lakh SHGs have accessed credit of Rs. 27911 crore up to October, 2018.

Farm Livelihoods

This year, DAY-NRLM has taken up promotion of organic farming with women SHG members across the country. Under organic farming initiative, a total of 1646 number of organic village clustersshave been identified by 28 States/UTs. A total of 23,679 village have been identified. During the current year, it has been targeted to initiate organic farming activities in 25% of the organic village clusters. As a first step, a total of 57270 Mahila Kisan have been registered through 5816 Local Groups for taking up organic farming.
A total of 14.03 lakhs Mahila Kisan have been identified during the year 2018-19 under SRLM-AAP and the sub program MKSP (Mahila Kisan Sashaktikaran Pariyojana).
Under the dedicated training and capacity building initiative, a total of 7283 livelihoods CRPs have been trained during the year, making it a cumulative total of 31889 livelihoods CRPs (Krishi Sakhi –17812 and Pashu Sakhi – 14077). This cadre is providing necessary extension services 24x7 at the village level.
Ensuring Food & Nutritional Security is one of the stated objectives of all farm livelihoods interventions and in order to make sure that this objective is met, agri-nutri gardens at Mahila Kisanhousehold level are being promoted. During the current year, agri-nutri gardens have been promoted in 10.86 lakhs Mahila Kisan households.
With an aim to reduce the drudgery of Mahila Kisan and to ensure timely access to farm equipment, Custom Hiring Centres are being promoted under DAY-NRLM. A total of 806 Custom Hiring Centres have been established during the year 2018-19.
As linking small and marginal producers with the market is a critical gap, value chain development through the promotion of producer collectives is a critical component of the implementation strategy under Farm Livelihoods. A total of 1.16 lakh Mahila Kisan have been covered under the value chain interventions for agriculture, NTFP and dairy commodities. In the year 2018-19, three Mahila Milk Producer Companies (MMPCs) have been operationalized in Madhya Pradesh and Bihar. The average daily procurement of the two MMPCs in Madhya Pradesh is between 3000-5000 litres per day. In addition, projects have been sanctioned in Uttar Pradesh for the development of dairy value chain interventions and value chain development of sesame and pulses in the Bundelkhand region.
Non-Farm Livelihoods

Aajeevika Grameen Express Yojana (AGEY) is a programme to provide safe, affordable and community monitored transport services to rural areas. The vehicles are owned and operated by members of Self-Help Group (SHG) networks and operate in regions which are not served by regular transport services. 624 routes are currently served by AGEY across the country.
Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP), the sub-scheme under DAY-NRLM develops an eco-system for supporting small businesses in rural areas. The eco-system has components for providing business support services, mentorship, seed capital, training & capacity building on business and technical aspects and marketing support. SVEP saturates a block with these services for supporting small business. Programme is being implemented in 131 blocks across the country. During the year, 9,282 enterprises have been formed under SVEP.


Source: PIB

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