Cabinet approves proposal to Constitute Committee to recommend the process for conferring / recognizing ownership or transfer / mortgage right to the residents of Unauthorized Colonies in Delhi

Cabinet approves proposal to Constitute Committee to recommend the process for conferring / recognizing ownership or transfer / mortgage right to the residents of Unauthorized Colonies in Delhi

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the proposal for Constitution of a Committee to recommend the process for conferring / recognizing ownership or transfer / mortgage rights to the residents of Unauthorized Colonies (UCs) in Delhi. The Committee will be chaired by the Lt. Governor of Delhi with the following Members:

Vice Chairman, Delhi Development Authority (DDA);

Additional Secretary, Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs(MoHUA), Govt. of India;

Chief Secretary, Govt. of NCT of Delhi;

Commissioners of East, North and South Municipal Corporations of Delhi;

Chairman, Delhi Urban Arts Commission;

Professor, Urban Transport, School of Planning & Architecture (SPA), Delhi

Urban Planner & Director, National Institute of Urban Affairs;

Former Director, Delhi Fire Services; and

Principal Commissioner, DDA as Member Secretary.

The Committee constituted will submit its report in 90 days to the MoHUA. On submission of this report by the Committee, Cabinet Secretariat will be informed and further action taken after considering recommendations of the Committee.


The recommendations of the Committee will provide a way forward for conferring ownership or transfer / mortgage rights to the people living in UCs in Delhi. This is for the first time that the conferment of the above rights to the residents of UCs in Delhi is being considered.

Source : PMINDIA

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