Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana : Unstarred Question in Loksabha

Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana

(a) whether the Union Government has launched Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY);
(b) if so, the details thereof, and; 
(c) the total funds allocated, sanctioned, released and utilised under the scheme during the last three years, State/UT-wise including Tamil Nadu?

To know the answer of above questions reg. Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana please see below the full text of Loksabha Unstarred Question No. 4405.

ANSWERED ON: 19.07.2019
Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana
Su Thirunavukkarasar
A. Ganeshamurthi

Will the Minister of WOMEN AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-

(a) whether the Union Government has launched Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY);
(b) if so, the details thereof, and; 
(c) the total funds allocated, sanctioned, released and utilised under the scheme during the last three years, State/UT-wise including Tamil Nadu?



(a) & (b): The Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana (IGMSY) has since been concluded on 31.03.2017. The Government has approved Pan-India implementation of Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) with effect from 01.01.2017 on 17.05.2017. 

(c) The Year-wise and State/UT-wise, (including Tamil Nadu) details of funds sanctioned/released and utilised under PMMVY since its inception are annexed.



Statement referred to in reply of part (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 4405 for 19.07.2019 raised by Shri Su. Thirunavukkarasar and Shri A. Ganeshamurthi regarding Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana

Year-wise and State/UT-wise, including Tamil Nadu, details of funds sanctioned/released and utilisation under the Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) since its inception (as on 15.07.2019) 

Sl. No. State/UT 2017-18
(Rupees in Lakhs) 2018-19
(Rupees in Lakhs) 2019-20 (As on 15.07.2019)
(Rupees in Lakhs)
Sanctioned/ Released Utilised Sanctioned/Released Utilised Sanctioned/Released Utilised
1 A & N Islands 163.08 43.16 41.13 117.63 54.75 22.15 
2 Andhra Pradesh 7022.36 4210.48 14101.75 17579.80 3375.00 4449.82 
3 Arunachal Pradesh 912.83 0.95 36.00 265.75 0.00* 61.54 
4 Assam 10448.26 418.96 817.00 3750.34 0.00* 3982.99 
5 Bihar 17351.38 575.70 1253.00 6228.22 0.00* 5251.99 
6 Chandigarh 290.41 110.95 248.08 306.34 112.66 73.28 
7 Chhattisgarh 4382.58 768.94 2025.85 4996.29 818.03 2339.26 
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 102.62 8.44 75.85 100.67 18.35 20.77 
9 Daman & Diu (UT) 61.56 0.05 28.98 56.11 12.99 10.60 
10 Goa 168.85 62.83 107.26 274.05 46.71 47.02
11 Gujarat 10186.87 2535.60 5958.97 12910.20 1935.44 4075.63 
12 Haryana 4324.30 1325.51 3674.84 8218.84 825.00 1572.85 
13 Himachal Pradesh 1821.64 441.95 1793.84 2754.96 683.74 706.86 
14 Jammu & Kashmir 3137.84 110.92 828.42 2591.31 602.42 744.87 
15 Jharkhand 5622.70 700.93 1453.37 5969.64 0.00* 1725.20 
16 Karnataka 10248.81 2240.83 6361.72 13229.37 2170.64 6474.36 
17 Kerala 5536.64 1597.17 3514.27 7597.69 1069.76 2237.72 
18 Lakshadweep 27.82 0.00 4.44 23.32 41.58 3.02 
19 Madhya Pradesh 12320.53 5762.48 18581.47 33785.11 4459.27 8609.97 
20 Maharashtra 12821.10 3886.76 11795.62 22028.56 3598.54 9198.73 
21 Manipur 1474.07 65.81 75.00 274.23 0.00* 413.51 
22 Meghalaya 1110.83 69.29 102.00 183.25 0.00* 177.55 
23 Mizoram 710.78 233.33 294.70 665.52 52.71 91.47 
24 Nagaland 1035.06 0.00 52.00 101.44 0.00* 170.67 
25 NCT Of Delhi 2008.90 407.75 795.75 2542.92 537.59 949.79 
26 Odisha** 7143.33 0.03 383.00 0.20 0.00* 0.00 
27 Puducherry 331.68 13.67 63.53 315.60 0.00* 52.77 
28 Punjab 4648.73 786.32 1141.42 5977.32 1776.84 1188.83 
29 Rajasthan 11486.97 788.35 9605.43 22409.80 0.00* 6443.25 
30 Sikkim 354.33 11.38 21.00 215.02 0.00* 37.52 
31 Tamil Nadu 12087.85 0.00 658.00 4158.83 0.00* 1041.10 
32 Telangana** 7196.40 0.00 385.00 0.00 0.00* 0.00 
33 Tripura 1845.49 16.57 96.00 578.32 0.00* 469.38 
34 Uttar Pradesh 33616.64 4778.15 14216.71 41414.50 6828.59 16499.33 
35 Uttarakhand 2610.99 640.06 1425.66 2158.77 828.08 584.69 
36 West Bengal 10245.03 144.39 2938.72 12465.83 2922.92 4470.94 
Total 204859.26 32757.71 104955.77 236245.76 32771.61 84199.33 
* Unspent balance of previous years available with the State/Union Territory.
** The State is implementing its own Maternity Benefit Programme. The Ministry allows the State to implement PMMVY with State’s Maternity Programme under co-branding.

Source: Loksabha

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