MUDRA Yojana : Unstarred Question in Loksabha

MUDRA Yojana

(a) the present status of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana across the country;
(b) whether the Government has set any target for banks for disbursement of loans under the MUDRA Yojana in the country;
(c) if so, whether the Government has prescribed any binding provisions for the banks not able to achieve the said targets, if so, the details thereof including the action taken against the banks which have shown carelessness in disbursing the said loans;
(d) whether the Government has received any complaint regarding irregularities or denial of loans under the said yojana in the country, if so, the details thereof and the corrective steps taken by the Government in this regard, State-wise including Haryana; and
(e) whether the Government will emphasise on its extensive publicity to make MUDRA Loans disbursement easy and simple along with minimising the paper work and if so, the details thereof?

To know the answer of above questions reg. MUDRA Yojana please see below the full text of Loksabha Unstarred Question No. 4721.

ANSWERED ON: 22.07.2019
MUDRA Yojana
Mahabali Singh
Ramesh Chander Kaushik

Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:-

(a) the present status of Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana across the country;
(b) whether the Government has set any target for banks for disbursement of loans under the MUDRA Yojana in the country;
(c) if so, whether the Government has prescribed any binding provisions for the banks not able to achieve the said targets, if so, the details thereof including the action taken against the banks which have shown carelessness in disbursing the said loans;
(d) whether the Government has received any complaint regarding irregularities or denial of loans under the said yojana in the country, if so, the details thereof and the corrective steps taken by the Government in this regard, State-wise including Haryana; and
(e) whether the Government will emphasise on its extensive publicity to make MUDRA Loans disbursement easy and simple along with minimising the paper work and if so, the details thereof?



(a) As on 12.07.2019, over 19.24 crore loans amounting to Rs. 9.45 lakh crore have been extended to borrowers across the country under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY), since inception of the scheme.
(b) Under PMMY, annual targets are assigned to Member Lending Institutions (MLIs) including Banks. 
(c) As part of Enhanced Access and Service Excellence (EASE) framework, performance of each Public Sector Bank (PSB) is evaluated on basis of 100+ metrics which include, inter-alia, performance on Mudra loans. Performance in EASE related reforms index has been given weightage in annual performance appraisal of Whole Time Directors (WTDs) and of officers up to two levels below WTDs.
(d) Government has been receiving complaints with regard to implementation of the Scheme from time to time including denial of loan facilities by the banks including in the state of Haryana. These are redressed in coordination with the respective banks as per extant instructions of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and Government in this regard.
(e) Government has taken various steps towards effective implementation of the PMMY scheme. These, inter alia, include simplification of application forms,facility for on-line application for PMMY loans,extension of PMMY to activities allied to agriculture, refinance from MUDRA Ltd,Credit Guarantee Scheme, nomination of Mudra Nodal Officers,weekly video conferences to monitor the progress, publicity campaigns etc.
Source: Loksabha

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