One Year of Modi Govt. 2.0 : Details of all announcements

One Year of Modi Govt. 2.0 : Details of all announcements

After completion of one year of Modi Government 2.0, he has issued a combined brochure of details of all Decisions, Announcements etc. For more details of this brochure, read below:

ONE YEAR OF MODI 2.0 : Towards a self Reliant India

PM At the Helm of India's Fight Against COVID-19

  • Holds meetings with various stakeholders on a daily basis on various aspects of mitigating the spread of Corona Virus and fighting the COVID-19.
  • Interacts with the Ministers on a daily basis and takes regular feedback from them on Corona Virus related issues
  • Takes briefings from Cabinet Secretary, Principal Secretary to PM, Health Secretary, Home Secretary on a daily basis.
  • Meetings to review Financial, Agriculture, Education, Civil Aviation, Power Sectors.
  • Interacts with over 150 people daily.
  • Regular calls over phone and personally interacts with doctors, nurses, health workers, sanitation workers, COVID patients and those who recovered.
  • Held meetings with representatives of Print Media, TV Channels, Radio Jockeys, Religious Leaders, NGOs/Civil Society Organisations.
  • The Prime Minister also held separate Video Conferences with the various Heads of Indian Missions abroad.
  • Held video Conferences with Doctors and Media Professionals.
  • Separate Video Conferences with representatives of Pharma Sector and Ayush Practitioners.
Working together with the States

Between 20th of March and 11th May the Prime Minister interacts 5 times with all the Chief  of Ministers through Video Conference in an effort to tackle the challenge of COVID-19 together.

Leading by example

The Prime Minister announced that he would not be participating in the Holi festivities in an effort to make people maintain social distancing.

Address to the Nation

Shri Narendra Modi addressed the nation five times since 19th of March exhorting people to observe lockdown and maintain social distance.


Do Gaz ki Doori

In his interaction with Gram Panchs across the country, the Prime Minister asked citizens to maintain a Do Gaj Ki Doori i.e. Two Yards of Distance between people to follow social distancing.

"To become self-reliant and self-sufficient is the biggest lesson learnt from Corona pandemic" PM

COVID-19 Economic Response Task Force

To deal with the economic challenges caused by the pandemic, the Prime Minister announced the creation of the 'COVID-19 Economic Response Task Force' under the Union Finance Minister.

Announces Rs.1.7 Lakh Crore Financial Package

The Narendra Modi Government on the 26th of March announced a Financial Package of Rs.1.7 Lakh Crore which focuses cash transfers to the poor.
  • An ex-gratia of Rs.1000 to 3 crore poor senior citizen, poor widows and poor disabled.
  • Government to front-load Rs.2000 paid to farmers in first week of April under existing PM Kisan Yojana to benefit 9.72 crore farmers.
  • Central Government has given orders to State Governments to use Building and Construction Workers Welfare Fund to provide relief to Construction Workers.
  • Government proposes to pay 24 percent of monthly wages into their PF accounts for wage-earners below Rs.15,000 per month in businesses having less than 100 workers for next three months.
  • For 3 crore aged widows and people in Divyang category, Rs.1000 to be given to tide over difficulties during next three months.
  • Limit of collateral free lending would be increased from Rs.10 to Rs.20 Lakhs for Women organised through 63 Lakhs Self Help Groups (SHGs).
  • Organised Sector - Employee's Provident Fund Regulations will be amended to include Pandemic as the reason to allow non-refundable advance of 75 percent of the amount or three months of the wages, whichever is lower, from their accounts.
  • The State Government will be asked to utilise the funds available under District Mineral Fund (DMF) for supplementing and augmenting facilities of medical testing screening and other requirements in connection with preventing the spread of COVID-19 pandemic as well as treating the patients affected with this pandemic.

Announces Rs.20 lakh Crore Economic Stimulus Package & gives a clarion call for Aatmanirbhar Bharat, Self-Reliant India


Aatmnirbhar Bharat Abhiyan

In his call for a self-reliant India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed on the five pillars to sustain the growth: Economy, Infrastructure, System (Based on Modern Technology), Vibrant Demography and Demand. 

Prime Minister announces a Rs.20 Lakh Crore Rupees Economic Stimulus Focusing on Land, Labour, Liquidity and Laws.

Relief for the Poor, Migrants and the distressed involving free food grains, cheaper loans, affordable housing


Rs.3500 Crore Free Grain - 8 Crore Migrants to get 5 Kg Wheat/Rice per person and 1 Kg Pulse per Family

Street Vendors

Rs.5000 Crore Special Credit Facility for Street Vendors- 5 Million Street Vendors to benefit.

Job Creation
  • Rs.1,01,500 Crore increase in allocation for MGNREGA to provide employment boost
- Helps generate nearly 300 crore person days in total.
- Addresses need for more work including returning migrant workers.
- Creation of a larger number of durable and livelihood assets including water conservation assets will boost the rural economy through higher production.

Mudra Loans

  • Relief of Rs.1500 Crore for Shishu Mudra Loans.
  • Interest subvention of 2% for a period of 12 months.
Urban Housing 

  • Rs.70,000 Crore Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme to those with Rs.6 to 8 Lakh Income
  • Affordable Housing - a scheme for migrant workers and urban poor.
-  Affordable Rental Housing Complexes - converting government funded houses in the cities into Affordable houses in the cities into Affordable Rental Housing Complexes (ARHC)
- Incentivising industries, State & Central Govt Agencies to develop ARHC on land


Increasing Pricing Power of Farmers, Dismantling Historic Barriers

Amending the Essential Commodities Act

  • Shall provide for a better pricing to farmers
  • This would de-regulate food items including cereals, which help make industry more competitive and attract investments

  • Rs.2 Lakh Crore concessional credit through Kisan Credit Cards - 2.5 Crore Farmers and Fishermen to benefit 
  • 30,000 Crore- Additional Emergency working capital fund - NABARD - 3 Crore Small & Maginal farmers to benefit
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund

  • Rs.1 Lakh Crore- Financing facility for agri-infra projects

  • Rs.20,050 Crore - Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana
  • Rs.11,000 Crore for activities in Marine, Inland fisheries and Aquaculture
  • Rs.9000 Crore for Infrastructure - Fishing Harbours, Cold Chain, Markets etc.

Animal Husbandry - Rs.15,000 Crores aid to private investment in Dairy Processing, value addition and cattle feed infrastructure.

National Animal Disease Control Programme - Rs.13,343 Crore for vaccination against Foot and Mouth Disease and Brucellosis.

Herbal Cultivation Promotion - Outlay of Rs.4000 Crore - 10,000 hectare to be covered in two years.

Beekeeping - Rs.500 Crore to develop infrastructure to benefit 2 Lakh cultivators.

Operation Green - Rs.500 Crore subsidies to be extended from just Tomatoes, Onions, Potatoes (TOP) to all vegetables and fruits.

Micro Food Enterprises (MFE) - Rs.10,000 Crore - to help 2 lakh MFEs who need technical upgradation to attain FSSAI food standards, build brands and marketing.

Big Boost to Small Industry and Business - Rs.5.94 Lakh Crores Stimulus


Source: PIB

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