किसानों के लिए योजना : लोकसभा में दिए गए जवाब
कोरोना महामारी के कारण लॉकडाउन की अवधि में किसानों की भलाई के लिए कौन कौन सी योजनाएं बनाई गयी है, और इन योजनाओं का लाभ कितने किसानों को हुआ है. इन सभी सवालों का जवाब देते हुए कृषि एवं किसान कल्याण मंत्री ने कहा कि लॉकडाउन की अवधि के दौरान कृषि एवं कृषि क्रियाकलापों से किसानों को छूट दी गयी थी. उन्हें बीज, खाद, उर्वरक और अन्य आवश्यक सामग्री उपलब्ध कराई गयी थी.
कृषि उपज की ढुलाई के लिए किसान रेल का परिचालन किया गया और किसानों की सहायता के लिए प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना के तहत आर्थिक मदद दी जा रही है.
Here is the full text of English:-
ANSWERED ON: 20.09.2020
Scheme for Farmers
Meenakashi Lekhi
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE be pleased to state:-
(a) whether the Government has launched any scheme or programme to assist the farmers of the country during the lockdown period;
(b) if so, the details of such scheme or programme, State-wise; and
(c) the details of number of farmers impacted by such scheme or programme?
(a) to (c): Government of India has launched the Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan (ABA) to strengthen Infrastructure, Logistics, Capacity Building, Governance and Administrative Reforms for Agriculture. The components of the ABA for DAC&FW are as follows –
Central Sector Scheme of financing facility under Agri Infrastructure Fund. This scheme is operational from the year 2020-21 to 2029-30.The aim is creation of infrastructure at the farm gate. The details state wise are at Annexure-I.
The National Bee and Honey Mission (NBHM) - Rs.500 crore from 2020-2021 to 2022-2023 is allocated for the sector.
The Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Ordinance, 2020”. This will allow liberal trade, provide more options to farmer for sale of their farming produce, promote barrier free inter-state and intra State trade.
The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Ordinance, 2020. The main objectives of the Farming Agreement Ordinance are - risk mitigation for farmers, equity or inclusiveness, public accountability and innovation.
Concessional credit boost to 2.5 crore farmers through Kisan Credit Card. Following are details of card issued as part of the KCC saturation drive from February 2020 to 03.09.2020 :
Number of KCC Cards Issued (in lakh): 123.51
KCC Card credit limit sanctioned (Amt. in Crore): 1,06,191
Total Number of Applications Received (in lakh): 157.03.
During the COVID period, farming and allied activities were exempted from the lockdown. Seed, pesticide, fertilizer etc. dealers / shops and other input related activities were allowed to open / free for making inputs available to the farmers. Inter and intra state movement of farm machinery specially combine harvesters was facilitated. As a result of the various steps taken by the Department, both harvesting activities of the Rabi Crop and sowing activities of Summer Crop took place in a systematic manner.
Kisan Rails were operated from Danapur in Bihar to Devlali in Maharashtra and from Anantapur in Andhra Pradesh to Adarsh Nagar in Delhi to transport farm produce.
Another important measure to assist the farmers is the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN). As on 15.09.2020, around 10.19 crore farmer families have benefited under the scheme. During the period of lock down, an amount of around Rs.41,086 crores has been disbursed to various beneficiaries under the Scheme covering various installments. The details of number of beneficiaries is at Annexure –II.
Source: [English Version] [Hindi Version]
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