Guidelines issued for Training Facilities in Swimming Pools

Guidelines issued for Training Facilities in Swimming Pools

Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Department of Sports has issued the Guidelines for Training Facilities – Resumption of training of sportspersons in swimming pools. MHA Order No 40-3/2020-DM-I(A) dated 30 September 2020 permits reopening of swimming pools outside containment zones for the purpose of training of sports persons. 


I. Scope and Coverage

This SOP applies to all SAI and non-SAI centres wherein training of sportspersons may resume, provided no orders of the local authorities prohibit such facilities to resume operations i.e. micro-containment zones and are meant to serve as safety guidelines for operating the facility in consonance with any other guidelines issued by state government while granting such permission.

This SOP unless directed otherwise is applicable to the following:

i. Competitive Swimmers to be defined as all sports person not below the age of 12 and engaged in training for purposes of preparing for participating in swimming competition, and shall not include contact sport like Waterpolo, learn to swim or swimming for general fitness.
ii. Coaches and Support Staff directly responsible for the training of these athletes. Head coach shall ensure that the training is carried out with the minimum required staff only.
iii. Other Staff engaged in technical, non-technical, administrative, facility management staff (including hostel and mess if applicable) functions.
iv. Essential visitors other than those mentioned above and if authorised by the centre head (including those from government departments i.e. public health, utilities etc)

II. Protocols and precautions for training (Athletes/Coaches/Support Staff/Facility Management) for Residential and Non Residential

i. It is the responsibility of the centre head and coach in-charge to ensure complete adherence to training protocols and to secure agreement from respective athletes that any training activity undertaken shall be in full compliance to the protocols mentioned hereunder.
ii. Obligatory self-declaration (could be in the form of text message) of the infection-free condition by players and staff re-joining the centre shall be provided to COVID Task Force officers before entering the premises.
iii. All personal training equipment belonging to an athlete shall be disinfected while the athlete is inducted into the training centre.
iv. Athletes and staff shall be screened before being allowed access to common field-of-play/ training facilities. RT-PCR test shall be conducted for new/returning athletes. Public health authorities may be consulted for same regarding Government guidelines and cost of testing.
v. For residential trainees, they need to produce a negative COVID Report 72 hour/96 hours before arrival to the centre followed by 14 days quarantine period. On the 6th/7th Day of quarantine period, another COVID Test must be conducted. Thereafter, trainees can mix with the other quarantined trainees only and not with other trainees staying in the campus. Only after completing 7 more days, they can mix with other trainees.
vi. Residential athletes requiring usage of common shower areas shall ensure soaps, towels and any other utility is not shared
vii. Spitting and clearing of nasal/respiratory secretions on the pool especially during swimming or at any place within the facility other than toilets shall be prohibited.
viii.Athletes shall also perform hand-hygiene before and after use of all training equipment

III. General Safety Measures

i. Athletes/coaches/facility staff who begin to cough/sneeze/above normal temperature for any reason, must move away from others until coughing/sneezing dissipates. In case of above normal temperature, a coach or staff member should ask athletes, as they come into practice, specifically listing certain symptoms, and send home those athletes reporting illness or experiencing symptoms.
ii. Hand-hygiene facilities shall be made available adjacent to swimming pool & deck for use as and when necessary.
iii. Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.
iv. Use of Arogya Setu app shall be made mandatory for all athletes and staff at the centre. The Task Force shall ensure a 100% coverage of Arogya Setu among all athletes and staff at the centre.
v. Prior to resuming training activities at the centres, each athlete shall be educated on COVID precautionary measures, which are to be implemented at the facility and during training.
vi. Non-residential athletes and residential athletes returning to the centre shall be educated on the existing precautionary measures regarding usage of common facilities within the centre.




Source: MoYAS

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