Guideline for Cultural Functions & Programs on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19

Guideline for Cultural Functions & Programs on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19

Ministry of Culture has released the Guidelines for Cultural Functions & Programs on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19. This guideline will follow in Cultural Functions & Programs. 


Government of India
Ministry of Culture
15 October, 2020

SOPs for Cultural Functions & Programs on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19

1. Background 

To facilitate and encourage cultural performances during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to instill confidence in audience to attend programs without fear of contradicting the disease, it is imperative that all stakeholders associated with implementing cultural functions and programs across the country should adopt strict measures to prevent further transmission of COVID-19, while conducting their operations and activities.

2. Scope

2.1 This document outlines the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) containing clear guidance for cultural institutions to conduct safe operations and prevent the spread of COVID-19 during cultural functions and programs. These Standard Operating Procedures are to be followed by the management of theatres& performance spaces (host institutions), as well as the entertainment/creative agencies, artists ,crew or any other persons who hire the auditoria or any other open/closed cultural spaces for cultural programs or functions, whether on payment or gratis.

2.2 No cultural activities shall be permitted inside containment zones.

2.3 States/UTs may consider proposing additional measures as per their field assessment.

3. SOPs related to Cultural Functions & Programs

3.1 General Guidelines

Following basic principles can help prevent the spread of the disease. These measures need to be observed by all employees and visitors at all times.

These include:

i. Adequate physical distancing of at least 6 feet to be followed at all times.

ii. Use of face covers/masks to be made mandatory at all times.

iii. Sanitization of venue before and after the event.

iv. Availability of hand sanitizers, preferably in the touch-free mode, at entry and exit points as well as common areas within the premises.

v. Adequate dustbins must be provided at key points, with specially marked dustbins for proper disposal of masks, gloves or other equipment, especially those used by cleaning staff.

vi. Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.

vii. Self-monitoring of health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest to state and district helpline.

viii. Spitting shall be strictly prohibited.

ix. Installation & use of Aarogya Setu App shall be advised to all visitors/staff/artists/crew and others having compatible mobile phones.

x. In case of a suspect or confirmed case in the premises :

a. Place the ill person in a room or area where they are isolated from others.

b. Provide a mask/face cover till such time he/she is examined by a doctor.

c. Immediately inform the nearest medical facility (hospital/clinic) or call the state or district helpline.

d. A risk assessment will be undertaken by the designated public health authority (district RRT/treating physician) and accordingly further action be initiated regarding management of case, his/her contacts and need for disinfection.

e. Thorough disinfection of the premises to be taken up if the person is found positive.

3.2 Guidelines for Staff Members

i. Use of face covers/masks is essential for all staff members and adequate stock of such face covers should be made available by host institution. Staff must be trained to properly cover their noses and mouths at all times.

ii. All staff members who are at higher risk, i.e., older employees, pregnant women, staff having any underlying medical conditions, to take extra precautions. They should not be exposed to any front-line work requiring direct contact with the public.

iii. Communication and training of staff to understand basic details of COVID19 including symptoms, complications, prevention of transmission shall be carried out on a regular basis.

3.3 Guidelines for Artists & Crew (event specific)

i. It is advisable for all external artists and crew members, including those engaged in providing lighting, sound, make-up, costume etc. to present a valid COVID negative test result to relevant authorities at the host institution. The test should have been conducted within 7 days prior to the event. Management/creative agency may provide a mobile testing unit at the venue if feasible.

ii. It is advised to keep use of props to the minimal and avoid procurement of any new equipment than already designated in the premises.

iii. Production houses must ensure that minimum crew visits the premises.

iv. It is advisable that trials and fittings related to costumes to be done at artist’s residence. Nuances such as look test may be shared over video.

v. Artists should wear masks at all times other than during actual performances and rehearsals.

vi. Troupe Leaders/Crew Managers will ensure strict adherence to all COVID guidelines by Troupe Members during their transit and stay.

3.4 Guidelines for Green Rooms

i. Green rooms to be kept uncluttered.

ii. All artists shall be encouraged to prepare at least part of their get up (costume, hair style, make-up etc.) at their residence to ensure that minimal support is required in green rooms.

iii. It is advised to maintain adequate physical distancing while using green rooms for costume changes and make-up.

iv. Artists/staff present in the green room must ensure that interaction with each other is kept to minimal in order to avoid any exchange of breath.

v. All green rooms must be thoroughly sanitized before after each usage.

vi. Adequate stock of sanitizers must be provided in green rooms by management.

vii. Toilets for artists must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized by the management at regular intervals throughout the day.

3.5 Guidelines for Stage

i. Adequate physical distancing is advisable on stage to the extent possible, especially during longer acts/musical/dance and other cultural performances.

ii. Stage must be thoroughly sanitized before and after each usage.

iii. Sets and properties in theatrical productions may be kept to minimum with few changes, to avoid movement and crowding on stage.

iv. Artists must ensure sanitization of their own equipment such as musical instruments before entering the venue and also before the performances. Management must provide support for sanitization at venue.

3.6 Guidelines for Entry and Exit Points

i. Strictly no entry without mask. Visitors, patrons& audience members must wear proper masks covering the nose and mouth at all times. Management should identify and check any visitors who flout this basic rule and in case of non-cooperation, they should ask the visitor /patron/audience member to leave the venue.

ii. Thermal screening of all visitors/staff must be carried out at all entry points. Only asymptomatic individuals shall be allowed to enter the premises.

iii. Provisions for hand sanitization must be made available at all entry points and in work areas.

iv. Designated queue markers shall be made available for entry and exit of the audience from the auditorium and the premises.

v. Audience should be made to exit in a staggered row-wise manner to avoid crowding at any point.

3.7 Guidelines for Providing Food and Beverages

i. All artists and staff should be encouraged to carry food from home if possible, and to maintain physical distancing at eating points/cafeteria.

ii. Packaged food may be provided to crew and artists who require meals.

iii. Tables in cafeteria should not be crowded; adequate distance to be maintained between seats.

iv. Use of disposable cutlery and crockery to be encouraged.

v. Water dispenser, if any, should be used in such a manner as to avoid littering. Use of recyclable bottles should be encouraged.

vi. Refreshments should be distributed by dedicated personnel in a planned manner in designated areas only, including in open-air venues, to avoid any interaction among the crowd.

vii. Littering must not take place and should be strictly monitored.

viii. No food and drink should be permitted inside the auditorium.









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