Model Template for Annual Capacity Building Plan - PM Awas Yojana

Model Format for Preparing Annual Capacity Building (CB) Plan by States/UTs under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) "Housing For All" (Urban)

Under HFA (Urban) Mission, 5% allocation is earmarked for Capacity Building (CB), Information Education and Communication (IEC) and Administrative & Other Expenses (A &OE). Allocation available under this Head will be utilized for carrying out various capacity building activities like training, workshops, exposure visits, research studies, documentation of best practices etc. for States/UTs and ULBs. Submission of an Annual CB Plan by States/UTs to expedite the capacity building programme is one of the conditions envisaged in the Mission Guidelines.

2. Preparation and submission of Annual CB Plan

2.1 The States/UTs should design their CB programme with an aim to improve capacities of States and ULBs in implementing HFA Mission. The States and UTs have to identify the key areas that require capacity building support at institutional and individual level through a Capacity Need Assessment prior to the preparation of CB plan. This assessment should take into account the workload, existing human resources and their functional competencies to develop the annual CB Plan of the States/UTs.

2.2 An indicative list of CB activities to be undertaken by States/UTs is given in the HFA guidelines. The financial norms for these activities are under formulation and this will be intimated to States/UTs separately.

2.3 Apart from the indicative list of CB activities provided in the HFA guidelines, States/UTs have the flexibility to propose new CB activities (along with budget) which are relevant for the implementation of HFA Mission. The areas where new CB activities can be identified are organisational development, human resource development, strategic planning, technology improvements, resource mobilization, procurement, project development, project management, operation and maintenance, financial management, budgeting and accounting of the ULBs. CSMC will decide the financial norms proposed for the new CB activities on a case to case basis. 

2.4 Many States and cities have formed State Level Technical Cell and City Level Technical Cell under RAY. The following options are prescribed for the continuity of SLTC/CLTCs established under RAY:
2.4.1 SLTCs formed under RAY may be continued in States to enable monitoring of on-going RAY projects. These SLTCs, however, will either have to substitute or obtain such additional man-power with skills on integrating planning among the four verticals of the HFA scheme and to respond to the needs of a mature and intensive technology mission. This is subject to scope of sanction of additional man-power under HFA as well as smooth process of substitution.
2.4.2 CLTCs can only continue if RAY cities are included in the HFA Mission or RAY projects are under implementation in those cities. The CLTCs in RAY cities which are included in HFA may be
revamped with man-power having suitable skills to implement the HFA Mission activities also.
2.4.3 In cities where there are no RAY projects, existing CLTCs need to be closed. New CLTCs are to be set up once cities are selected under HFA. 

2.5 The States/UTs can utilise the services of the Resource Centres (RCs) empanelled by the Ministry to deliver the capacity building programmes or they can identify and empanel other institutions to function as RCs. However, these institutions should have the relevant experience and are capable of conducting capacity building programmes.

2.6 For the implementation of Technology Sub-Mission, the centre and states will partner with willing IITs, NITs and planning/architecture institutions. The financial norms for the activities proposed under Technology Sub-Mission will be intimated to States/UTs separately.

2.7 The annual CB plan should indicate the timelines and quarterly targets of the proposed activities for its effective monitoring and evaluation. Quarterly Progress Report (QPR) of the CB activities has to be reported to the Ministry, within a period of ten days after the end of every quarter.

2.8 Similarly, a monitoring system for the effective implementation of CB activities at the State/UT level should be developed. 

3. Model template for annual CB Plan
a. Rationale for Capacity Building: (challenges and needs identified for capacity building for the cities/States)
b. Objectives and expected outcomes of Capacity Building Programme (Objectives should be measurable).

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