Terms of Reference for State Level Technical Cell (SLTC)

Terms of Reference for the proposed State level Technical Cell (SLTC)/City Level Technical Cell (CLTC) positions under Housing for All (HFA)

As per HFA guidelines for implementing “Housing for All” states and cities will require different competencies like planning, engineering, social mobilization, financial planning etc. Ministry will provide assistance to the states/UTs for enhancing capacity of their employees/officers in these operational areas. Ministry will also assist states/UTs in constitution of Technical and Project Management Cell at state and city level.

2. A State Level Technical Cell (SLTC) with 5-10 professionals will be supported with the approval of CSMC. CSMC can increase the size of such cell on the requirement of State/UT.

3. City Level Technical Cell (CLTC) with 2-4 professionals depending on the size of the city and quantum of work will also be supported by the mission with the approval of CSMC. In case of big cities like metropolitan cities the number in CLTC can be more than 4 with the approval of CSMC.

4. The Ministry support for CLTC and SLTC will be in the ratio of 75:25 and in case of North Eastern and special categories States it will be in the ratio of 90:10.

5. The SLTC and CLTC shall work as a close team, in coordination with the SLNA/ULBs, and share
work progress, implementation, monitoring and outcomes.

6. For all the positions in SLTC and CLTC postgraduate degree would be desirable, if a post graduate person with relevant skills is not available, a graduate/diploma can be recruited.

7. In order to have an integrated approach in implementing the Mission activities, States/UTs and ULBs have to take efforts to converge with similar kind of institutional support available with the SLNA and ULBs from other projects/programmes so as to avoid duplication of recruiting similar kind of specialist in the SLTC and CLTC.

8. Terms of Reference (ToR) for State Level Technical Cell (SLTC)
The positions mentioned below are only suggestive; the States/UTs and ULBs shall assess their requirement for composition of SLTC/CLTC based on their existing staffing pattern, requirements and the workload. A State Level Technical Cell (SLTC) with 5-10 professionals will be supported with the approval of CSMC. CSMC can increase the size of such cell on the requirement of State/UT.
1. Urban Planner/Town Planning Specialist
2. Housing Finance and Policy Specialist 
3. Municipal Finance Specialist 
4. Municipal/Civil Engineer
5. PPP Specialist 
6. Urban Infrastructure Specialist
7. Social Development Specialist 
8. Capacity building/Institutional Strengthening Specialist
9. MIS Specialist 
10. Urban Economic Specialist
11. Environmental Specialist 
12. IEC/Knowledge Management Specialist
13. Procurement Specialist

I. Urban Planner
Qualifications and Experience
  1. Master’s degree in Urban Planning or Regional Planning or Architecture Management with at least 5-7 years’ experience in a managerial position.
  2. Having experience in project management with 3-5 years in a managerial position.
  3. Experience in working with large scale urban development/affordable housing/slum development projects /programmes.
  4. Experience in implementing urban reforms for States and ULBs.
Roles and responsibilities
  • Handholding support to the ULBs for the preparation of HFAPoA, DPR and AIP.
  • Handholding support to the ULBs in identifying slum pockets and other lands for housing development.
  • As part of the slum mapping exercise, assist the ULB in identifying ownership of the land occupied by slums and mapping of the same.
  • Handholding support to the ULBs in tenability analysis and choosing options for untenable slums.
  • Assist the ULBs in selection of appropriate model for the in-situ slum redevelopment.
  • Review the city Master Plan and provide inputs to revise it in accordance with the mandatory conditions under the Mission.
  • Provide support in developing (approved) building layout plans for EWS/LIG housing.
  • Provide advice to MoHUPA on increasing financial inclusion for the urban poor.
  • Develop AIP on the basis of HFAPoA of the ULBs in consultations with State.
  • Handholding support to States /UTs for the implementation of the slum redevelopment and Affordable Housing programmes.
  • Develop MIS formats and compilation of data from the ULBs.
  • Develop periodic monitoring system for achievements under each scheme components.
II. Housing Finance and Policy Specialist 
Qualifications and Experience
  1. Post graduate or graduate in finance from recognized university with 5-7 years of experience in housing finance sector.
  2. Having 3-5 yrs. experience in housing finance & banking and housing policy.
  3. Experience in working with state government to examine and develop a range of options for financing housing projects.
  4. Experience in training ULB staff on municipal finance, project finance and resource mobilization.
  5. Experience in promoting dialogue between all stakeholders involved in the housing finance sector at state level.
  6. Experience in identifying and quantifying potential capital financing sources for housing finance in the country.
Roles and responsibilities
  • Undertake data and financial analysis on Housing Finance for the urban poor.
  • Prepare housing finance strategy for the State/UTs.
  • Co-ordinate with various HFIs and Banks at state level for ensuring support for the implementation of the programme.
  • Analyse the possible financing provisions for the State/UT.
  • Undertake data analysis and fixing targets under CLSS component.
  • Monitor the utilization of funds and the achievement of targets of CLSS component periodically.
  • Provide inputs into MIS and reporting formats for CLSS component.
  • Organise meetings with Central Nodal Agencies (CNAs), i.e., National Housing Bank (NHB) and HUDCO and eliciting their feedback in coordination with the Mission Directorate.
III. Municipal Finance Specialist
Qualifications and Experience
  1. Post graduate or graduate in finance from recognized university with 5-7 years of experience in municipal finance.
  2. Experience in evaluating urban infrastructure investments, and helping city governments to use a range of options for financing projects.
  3. Experience to advice and train staff in municipal finance, project finance and resource mobilization, public private partnerships etc.
Roles and Responsibilities
  • Conduct an affordability analysis and gather information to prepare a sample financial model for the project for ULBs.
  • Support ULBs to identify finance options available for financing urban infrastructure and leveraging funds from various sources.
  • Provide technical guidance to State to prepare policy guidance and notes on municipal finance.
IV. Municipal/Civil Engineer
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post graduate degree in Engineering with specialization in public health or civil engineering.
  2. Having 5-7 years of experience in procurement, design, and supervision of housing and infrastructure works.
  3. Experience in implementing new technologies in the housing sector.
  4. Ability to assist ULBs to set standards and procedures for ensuring quality and monitoring compliance.
  5. Prior experience as municipal engineer will be an added advantage.
Roles and responsibilities
  • Technical support in the design and implementation of housing and infrastructure works.
  • Provide support to the ULBs to identify, evaluate and adapt green technologies, good construction practices and disaster resistant construction, area specific design and innovative technologies suiting to different geo-climatic zones.
  • Provide support to the states to select and tie up with Engineering institutes (such as IIT) and planning institution to develop implementation methodology for Technical Submission.
  • Support States to select a central technical institute, an Engineering college or a Planning college for institutional support.
  • Facilitate enabling policy framework for use of emerging and green technologies in the states.
  • Provide technical support in tendering process and facilitate recruitment of quality consultants for preparation of Detailed Projects Report (DPRs), HFAPoA etc.
  • Review and appraise the Detailed Projects Report (DPR) and provide feedback as and when necessary.
  • Develop and disseminate guidelines on project preparation, procurement and other related activities.
  • Assess the training needs in the implementation of technology submission and assist ULBs to access quality training on site or at recognized centers of excellence.
  • Preparation of designing a scrutinizing/appraisal mechanism and a protocol for random check of projects and overall monitoring and evaluation of design and supervision of infrastructure works.
  • Support ULBs to prepare project monitoring formats and report on progress of construction and utilization of funds under HFA.
  • Any other related tasks that may be entrusted upon by the State/SLNA.
V. PPP Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. 5-7 years of professional experience in developing and managing projects on PPP mode.
  2. Experience in formulation of PPP projects (including relevant concession agreements, due diligence processes, value for money audits, public sector comparator, etc.)
  3. Experience in preparing project agreements, tender process, detailed legal and contractual agreements, risk management and contingent liability issues, and financial analysis of complex project proposals with respect to PPP projects.
Role and Responsibilities
  • Handholding support to the ULBs to develop city/ULB level PPP plan of action.
  • Appraise project activities for carrying out of PPP Projects.
  • Review and analyses the projects designed for the various components of the Mission from PPP perspective.
  • Provide technical support to ULBs in preparing the pre-feasibility reports.
  • Support the ULBs to develop mechanism to implement PPP projects.
  • Overall monitoring of the PPP project under the Mission.
  • Awareness building & training for relevant State Government Officials on PPP projects.
  • Any other related activities as decided by State/ SLNA.
VI. Urban Infrastructure Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post graduate /graduate degree in engineering from recognized university.
  2. Broad range of experience in urban infrastructure and a strong background in public housing sector and public heath engineering especially in water supply and sanitation.
  3. At least 5-7 years of experience in designing and managing municipal infrastructure projects.
  4. Familiar with the rules and procedures of the Urban Local Government.
Role and Responsibilities
  • Support ULBs in the preparation of City Action Plan.
  • Provide handholding support to the cities in assessing the gaps of infrastructure development in the city.
  • Support ULBs to ensure provision for operation and maintenance, value for money in urban infrastructure creation, and overall sustainability.
  • Provide support to the ULBs on regional best practices relating to project management, monitoring quality of construction, good procurement practices, PPPs etc.
  • Any other related tasks that may be entrusted upon by State/SLNA.
VII. Social Development Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Master’s degree in Social Science/Sociology/Development Studies.
  2. 5 -7yeasr of work experience in social and community development.
  3. Experience of working in the development areas, preferably with urban community and slums.
  4. Knowledge and experience in participatory planning and community mobilization.
  5. Fluency in local language is essential.
Role and responsibilities
  • Support the ULBs to develop a pre-project consultation mechanism with the stakeholders and ensure its incorporation in the HFAPoA.
  • Support in conducting social analysis, social audit and community participation.
  • Support the ULBs in the urban poor governance, empowering the local communities, CBOs, NGOs etc. in implementing housing projects.
  • Devise strategies to develop platforms for interface between the service providers, ULB officials and the community in the backdrop of the housing projects.
  • Overall assessment and reporting of the social development impact of the project.
  • Support in analyzing the affordability of housing loans to the poor, along with willingness to pay.
  • Support conducting surveys in the low-income and resettlement projects and provide technical inputs in analyzing the data.
  • Coordinate the social audit process at city level through Independent Facilitating Agency.
  • Ensure preparation of database of various stakeholder organizations (e.g. community organizations, nongovernment organizations, women’s groups, and microfinance institutions involved in housing finance etc.) and participation of these organizations in the programme.
  • Any other related tasks, including advocacy at state level that may be entrusted upon by State/SLNA.
VIII. Capacity building/Institutional Strengthening Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Master’s degree in Urban Planning or management or Social Sciences.
  2. 5-7 years of working experience in the urban development sector.
  3. Wide knowledge and experience in implementing capacity building programme for states and ULBs.
  4. Experience in designing, implementing and evaluating capacity building activities, preferably in the municipal environment.
Roles and responsibilities
  • Overall responsibility for the management of Capacity Building programme in the state.
  • Support the State in preparing annual capacity-building plan.
  • Coordinate and monitor the organisation of State and City level training programmes in coordination with Network of Resource Centres empanelled by MoHUPA/State.
  • Develop capacity building modules appropriate to the city/ULBs on HFA components and organise training programmes on these modules.
  • Develop the database of trainers and resource persons on urban poverty alleviation, planning, community participation, social development, engineering etc.
  • Support city level capacity building/training coordinator in organizing training programmes and bringing in resource persons for taking sessions during training programmes.
  • Collate and disseminate reports of the trainings and capacity building programmes.
  • Develop monitoring mechanism for the training and capacity building programmes.
  • Support ULBs in cross learning through organising study tours and exposure visits.
  • Develop mechanism and monitor the impacts of training programmes and document learning’s from the field.
  • Any other related tasks that may be entrusted upon by State/SLNA.
IX. Urban Economic Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Master’s degree in Economics with experience in urban development and urban poverty reduction sector.
  2. 5-7 years’ experience in urban infrastructure development/affordable housing sector.
Roles and Responsibilities
  • Cost Benefit analysis of the project and analysis of viability of the projects.
  • Analysis worldwide best practices of credit linked housing schemes.
  • Undertake project impact analysis on the social and economic benefits to the beneficiaries through the Mission activities.
  • Apart from the above , the Urban Economic Specialist will also undertake the following activities:
  • Assist SLTC team in matters related to economic and financial analysis of all the verticals.
  • Coordinate with Central Nodal Agencies to facilitate adequate and timely release of funds to the city/ULB.
  • Provide e inputs to MIS specialist to generate MIS.
  • Undertaking data analysis on the subsidy for urban poor.
  • Maintain financial formats for various activities of HFA Mission analyse it and provide inputs to Mission Directorate.
  • Co-ordinate with various HFIs, Banks, private bodies for ensuring possible support to the implementation of all the four verticals of the Mission.
X. MIS Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post Graduate degree in Computer Science or Electronics or MCA/PGDCA.
  2. 5-7 years of experience in government/semi govt. / autonomous organizations/private company of repute.
  3. Exposure to software development & project management, database management, MIS etc.
  4. Ability to work in a team and train staff to use the systems.
Roles and Responsibilities
  • Coordination of data entry of the activities of Mission and file uploads into systems to be used by SLNA.
  • Support Local Bodies in coordinating/monitoring the housing demand surveys.
  • Work closely with the Urban Planning expert and support ULBs for the development of a MIS of land related data at state/city level that will include geo tagging references of the proposed housings.
  • Coordinate management of electronic data pertaining to the SLNA, including soft copies of letters, reports and numerical data. This may involve conversion of data and reports in hard copy to electronic form, as well as their storage in an organized filing system.
  • Furnish reports/quarterly progress report to MoHUPA through SLSMC/SLNA.
  • Provide assistance to the City level MIS specialists as and when required.
  • Any other related tasks that may be entrusted upon by State/SLNA.
XI. Environmental specialist
Qualifications & Experience:
  1. Post graduate degree in environmental engineering or similar field.
  2. 5-7 years of experience in assessing, monitoring, and mitigating environmental impacts of urban infrastructure projects.
  3. Experience and knowledge of environmental laws and regulations of the state.
  4. Experience in government sector will have added advantage.
Role and Responsibilities:
  • Develop Environmental Management Framework for conducting environmental assessment of projects under the Mission.
  • Support ULBs to assess the environmental impacts of proposed and ongoing projects, and monitor their impacts over time.
  • Ensure that all project interventions are in full compliance with the Government laws and regulations and other acceptable guidelines.
  • Provide other necessary support as identified by State/SLNA.
XII. IEC/ Knowledge Management Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post graduate degree or equivalent in Mass Communication/ Public relations/ Journalism/Social Work/Development.
  2. Experience in advocacy management preferably in urban sector.
  3. 5-7 years of experience in conducting knowledge management activities and development of IEC strategy.
  4. Knowledge and experience of government systems and procedures would be desirable.
Roles and Responsibilities
  • Develop IEC/knowledge management strategy.
  • Develop reports and publications for the implementation of the Mission activities.
  • Provide inputs in documentation and dissemination of best practices in the sector and its dissemination to various stakeholders involved in the HFA Mission.
  • Support State to prepare media plan and its analysis.
  • Assist in advertisements and outreach campaigns of the ULBs.
XIII. Procurement Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post graduate or graduate degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Economics, Project Management, Law, or other relevant degree.
  2. 5-7 years of experience in managing procurement programmes/activities in the public/private sector.
  3. Knowledge in state government’s rules and procedures on procurement practices.
  4. Experience in working in local government would be an added advantage.
  5. Fluency in local language essential.
Roles and Responsibilities
The procurement specialist will be involved in all the 4 verticals wherever procurement would be required. The roles & responsibilities are as follows:
  • Analyse and select the procurement requirements for the implementation of Mission activities at State Level.
  • Prepare bidding documents and corresponding documents for procuring goods and services (e.g. contractors for construction work, resources agencies for technology submission etc).
  • Support SLNA in conducting bidders meeting and provide clarification wherever required.
  • Manage the procurement process and prepare final evaluation report for review and approval by the Procurement Selection Committee.

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