ToR for CLTC - PM Awas Yojana

Terms of Reference (ToR) for City Level Technical Cell (CLTC)
The below mentioned positions are only suggestive; the Cities and ULBs shall assess their requirement for composition of CLTC based on their existing staffing pattern, requirements and the workload. MoHUPA under this programme will support 2-4 positions for CLTC. However, big cities, e.g. metropolitan cities have the flexibility to recruit more than 4 specialists with approval of CSMC. 12 suggestive positions are recommended for CLTC:
1. Urban Planner/Town Planning Specialist
2. Housing Finance and Policy Specialist
3. Municipal Finance Specialist 
4. Municipal/Civil Engineer
5. PPP Specialist 
6. Urban Infrastructure Specialist
7. Social Development Specialist 
8. Capacity building/Institutional Strengthening Specialist
9. MIS Specialist 
10. Environmental Specialist
11. IEC/Knowledge Management Specialist
12. Procurement Specialist

1. Town Planning Specialist/Urban Planner
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post Graduate or graduate Degree in Urban Planning or Regional Planning or Geography.
  2. Minimum of 3-5 years of work experience in urban planning with experience of urban infrastructure projects/ affordable housing/slum development projects.
  3. Experience of reform oriented projects is desirable.
  4. Fluency in local language desirable.

Roles and responsibilities
  • Programme design and implementation of the HFAPoA according to HFA Mission.
  • Identify in consultation with the local body the geographic area to be covered under HFA city plan.
  • Assist in identifying the slum pockets and other areas to be covered under the HFA within the city.
  • Assist in amending/preparing city Master Plan for earmarking land slum redevelopment and affordable housing.
  • As part of the slum mapping exercise, identify ownership of the land occupied by slums and map various categories of land e.g. Public land, private land, disputed land etc.
  • Assist in categorization of each slum in terms of its tenability.
  • Assist in selection of best model for in-situ development and deciding options for relocation of untenable slums.
  • Assist in developing building plans and lay-outs for EWS/LIG houses that will be considered as pre-approved plans for the purpose of single-window clearance for layout approvals and building permissions at ULB Level.
  • Assist in integration of the data, and housing demand survey information at city level to create MIS.
  • Develop and update databases on planning related activities.
  • Any other related tasks that may be entrusted upon by the head of CLTC.

2. Housing Finance Specialist
Qualifications and Experience
  1. Post graduate or graduate degree in finance or equivalent qualification from recognized university.
  2. 3 -5 years of experience in housing finance or banking or housing policy.
  3. Experience in helping State/UT governments and ULBs to examine and use a range of options for financing housing projects.
  4. Experience in training ULB staff on municipal finance, project finance and resource mobilization.

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Provide support to the ULBs on methods of increasing financial inclusion for the urban poor.
  • Undertaking financial analysis on housing finance for the implementation of the programme.
  • Provide the inputs to MIS specialist to generate MIS.
  • Maintain financial formats and provide inputs to it.
  • Co-ordinate with various HFIs, Banks, private bodies for ensuring possible support.
  • Carry out overall monitoring and supervision of the finance part.

3. Municipal Finance Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Graduate degree in finance or equivalent qualification from recognized university with 3-5 yrs. experience.
  2. Skills to evaluate urban infrastructure investments, and helping city governments to examine and use a range of options for financing projects.

Role and Responsibilities:
  • Prepare Financial Operating Plans for the city in line with Mission guidelines.
  • Provide technical support to the ULBs/city level bodies to implement the financial plan.
  • Prepare specialized training materials/modules, process manuals, procedures, toolkits, guidelines and other related activities for undertaking capacity building programmes on financial management.
  • Provide training and capacity building programmes on finance and related matter to elected representatives and officials of ULBs on resource mobilization in partnership with national level financial institutions.
  • Assess city counterpart funding of the projects and explore alternative financing options.
  • Conduct economic and financial viability assessments of the projects.
  • Conduct an analysis of affordability and gather information to prepare a sample financial model for the ULB.
  • Conduct financial sustainability analyses for revenue-generating subprojects.
  • Any other related activities as decided by the administrative head of the ULB.

4. Municipal/Civil Engineer
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post graduate or graduate degree in Engineering with specialization in public health engineering or diploma in Engineering.
  2. At least 3 years of experience in procurement, design, and supervision of infrastructure works.
  3. Ability to assist ULBs to set standards and procedures for ensuring quality and monitoring compliances.
  4. Prior experience as municipal engineer will be an added advantage.
  5. Fluency in local language essential.

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Identify and adapt green innovative technologies, good construction practices, disaster resistant construction, area specific design etc. to suit the local requirements.
  • Recruitment of quality consultants for preparation of city plan of action, DPR and ensure timely submission of the documents in coordination with the Municipal Engineer in State Level Technical Cell.
  • Provide technical support in associating with technical institutes on design and supervision of infrastructure works and ensure good quality assurance.
  • Assess the training needs in engineering and assist ULBs to access quality training on site or at recognized centers of excellence.
  • Review the City Plan of Actions and DPRs for precision and detail and provide feedback as necessary.
  • Support ULB to report with precision on progress of construction and utilization of funds under HFA.
  • Any other related tasks that may be entrusted upon by the head of ULB.

5. PPP Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. 3-5 yrs. professional experience in developing and managing projects on PPP mode.
  2. Experience in formulation of PPP projects (including relevant concession agreements, due diligence processes, value for money audits, public sector comparator, etc.)
  3. Experience in preparing project agreements, tender process, detailed legal and contractual agreements, risk management and contingent liability issues, and financial analysis of complex project proposals with respect to PPP projects.

Role and responsibilities
  • Support to ULB to develop city/ULB level PPP plan of action.
  • Appraise project activities for carrying out of PPP Projects.
  • Review and analyse the projects from PPP perspective.
  • Assist in preparing the pre-feasibility reports for the ULBs.
  • Inspect, visit and review any PPP project under implementation in the cities.
  • Awareness Building & Training for relevant State Government Officials on PPP projects.
  • Any other related activities as decided by head of city level technical cell.

6. Urban Infrastructure Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post graduate/graduate degree or diploma in engineering from recognized university.
  2. Experience in urban infrastructure and public housing sector, public heath engineering.
  3. 3-5 years of experience in designing and managing municipal infrastructure projects.
  4. Knowledge of laws and procedures of urban Local Bodies in India.
  5. Fluency in local language essential.

Role and Responsibilities
  • Provide technical guidance for the preparation of HFAPoA.
  • Provide hand holding support to the cities in assessing the gaps of infrastructure development in the city.
  • Any other related tasks that may be entrusted upon by the head of city cell.

7. Social Development Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post graduate/graduate or diploma in Social Sciences, with practical experience of working with community/slums in the urban area.
  2. 3-5 years’ experience in undertaking social and community development initiatives and appraisals in the municipal environment.
  3. Experience in participatory methods, social mobilization, social analysis, resettlement and rehabilitation.
  4. Knowledge and experience in participatory planning and community mobilization.

Roles and Responsibilities
The social development specialist will work closely with the housing finance and policy specialist and work towards implementation of social reforms, strengthening and empowerment of communities, internalizing stakeholder consultations into operating procedures and practices and optimizing the community participation. In addition, the specialist will be responsible for the following:
  • Support the ULBs in the urban poor governance, empowering the local communities, ensuring social development, community participation. 
  • Developing a consultation mechanism with the stakeholders (before project implementation) and ensure its incorporation in the HFAPoA.
  • Provide support to ULBs in building partnerships with the local communities and mobilizing people in pursuit of Scheme’s objective.
  • Organize workshops to raise awareness about the specific roles and functions of community.
  • Assess the social development impact of the project in terms of the proportion of beneficiaries in slum/non sum and EWS/LIG, proportion of total project funds allocated to the poor, and level of impact on the lives of the poor; Conduct a gender analysis and develop a Gender Checklist.
  • Analyze the affordability of housing loans to the poor, along with willingness to pay.
  • Collect and analyze relevant existing survey data on low-income housing, particularly surveys in resettlement projects.
  • Prepare and coordinate additional surveys required for the purpose of the study.
  • Design and conduct training on community development and empowerment to the key Stakeholders on the scheme.
  • Undertake social audit of the projects under HFA Mission.
  • Work closely with the IEC expert for knowledge dissemination.
  • Prepare a database of community organizations, nongovernment organizations, women’s groups, and microfinance institutions involved in housing finance for the poor or interested in future involvement in the project.
  • Monitor expenditure on improvement of urban services to the poor and overall social impact of projects.
  • Any other related tasks that may be entrusted upon by the head of ULB.

8. Capacity building/Institutional Strengthening Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post graduate/graduate or diploma in the development sector (urban development or social development).
  2. 3-5 years of experience in training and capacity building programmes.
  3. Knowledge of adult learning methodology and capacity building experience in the urban sector.
  4. Experience in capacity assessment, curricula development, course organization, training, and training impact evaluations.
  5. Knowledge and experience of government systems and procedures.
  6. Knowledge of local language is essential.

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Prepare a capacity-building plan for the city/ULB based training need assessment.
  • Develop a road map and capacity building modules in local language for conducting training programmes on HFA components.
  • Coordinate the implementation of capacity building programmes.
  • Develop the database of trainers and resource persons on urban poverty alleviation, planning, community participation, social development, engineering etc.
  • Prepare reports of the trainings and capacity building programme.
  • Undertake the follow up of the training and capacity building programme.
  • Organize study tours, exposure visits etc. to facilitate ULBs in cross learning.
  • Monitor the impacts of training programmes and document learning’s from the field.
  • Any other related tasks that may be entrusted upon by the head of ULB.

9. MIS Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Post graduate/graduate/diploma in Computer Science/Electronics or MCA/PGDCA.
  2. 3-5 years of work experience in government/semi govt. / autonomous organizations/private company of repute.
  3. Experience in software development and database management.
  4. Fluency in local language essential.

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Coordinate the data entry and file uploads into systems to be used by Urban Local Body  ULBs) on a regular basis.
  • Prepare detailed formats and ensuring the data entry in the desired MIS application.
  • Set up systems for measuring and monitoring and reporting progress of the projects.
  • Prepare quarterly progress report and submit the same to SLNA through ULB.
  • Any other related tasks that may be entrusted upon by the head of CLTC.

10.Environmental Specialist
Qualifications & Experience:
  1. University degree/diploma in environmental studies or similar field.
  2. 3-5 years of experience in assessing, monitoring, and mitigating environmental impacts of urban infrastructure investments.
  3. Knowledge of local environmental laws and regulations.
  4. Working experience in ULBs/City level will have added advantage.
  5. Fluency in local language essential.

Role and Responsibilities:
  • Assess the environmental impacts of proposed and ongoing projects, and monitor their impacts over time.
  • Ensure that all interventions are in full compliance with the Government laws and regulations and other acceptable guidelines.
  • Provide other necessary support as identified by the head of city level cell.

11. IEC/Knowledge Management Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Graduate/diploma in Mass Communication/ Public relations/ Journalism/Social Work/Development.
  2. Experience in advocacy management preferably in urban sector.
  3. 3-5 years of experience in conducting knowledge management activities and preparation of IEC strategy.
  4. Knowledge and experience of government systems and procedures.
  5. Fluency in local language essential.

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Provide support to the ULBs in preparation and execution of IEC /knowledge management strategy.
  • Ensure generation of reports and publications as required for the programme based on appropriate research and data analysis.
  • Provide inputs in documentation and dissemination of best practices in the sector and its dissemination to various stakeholders involved in the HFA Mission.
  • Support State to prepare media plan and its analysis.
  • Assist in advertisements and outreach campaigns of the ULBs.

12. Procurement Specialist
Qualifications & Experience
  1. Graduate degree in Accounting, Finance, Business Administration, Economics, Project Management, Law, or other relevant degree.
  2. 3-5 years of experience in managing procurement programmes/activities in the public/private sector.
  3. Knowledge of state government’s government rules and regulations on procurement would be desirable.
  4. Experience in working in local government would be an added advantage.
  5. Fluency in local language essential.

Roles and Responsibilities
The procurement specialist will be involved in all the 4 verticals wherever procurement would be required. The roles & responsibilities are as follows:
  • Analyse and select the procurement requirements for the implementation of Mission activities at city Level.
  • Prepare bidding documents and corresponding documents for procuring goods and services (e.g. contractors for construction work, resources agencies for technology submission etc).
  • Support ULB in conducting bidders meeting and provide clarification wherever required.
  • Manage the procurement process and prepare final evaluation report for review and signature by the Procurement Selection Committee.

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