Progress of Urban Development Schemes

Progress of UD Schemes

whether the Urban Development (UD) schemes / projects of the Government are progressing sluggishly and if so, the details thereof along with the reasons therefor & more questions as mentioned below :


UNSTARRED QUESTION NO: 471                            ANSWERED ON: 20.07.2016

Progress of UD Schemes

Will the Minister of URBAN DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-
(a) whether the Urban Development (UD) schemes / projects of the Government are progressing sluggishly and if so, the details thereof along with the reasons therefor;
(b) whether the State Governments are not cooperating well to expedite the projects and if so, the details thereof;
(c) the steps taken / being taken by the Government to tackle the crisis;
(d) whether any committee / special task force has been constituted in this regard; and
(e) if so, the details thereof?



(a)&(b): Urban Development is a State subject. The State Government is responsible for implementing urban infrastructure schemes / projects. Ministry of Urban Development supports these efforts through its schemes and programmes. The status and other details of progress of projects under schemes (i) 10% Lumpsum scheme for NER (ii) Urban Infrastructure development in satellite towns around seven mega cities, (iii) NERUDP (iv) Urban Transport and (v) MRTS are given at Annexure I, II, III, IV and V respectively. The projects are implemented by the state governments and their agencies.

(c): There is no crisis regarding implementation. Ministry holds regular meetings and interactions with the representatives of all State / UT Governments to review the progress of these schemes / projects. The State Government also submits Quarterly Progress Report, utilization certificate etc. States are being sensitised to complete the on-going projects through seminars, symposiums, conferences and various other mechanisms.

(d) to(e): For effective monitoring of the projects, Ministry of Urban Development has issued the guidelines to all the States / UTs for setting up of a District Level Advisory and Monitoring Committee (DLAMC) for Urban Development under the chairpersonship of an elected representative. The Committee will review and monitor the following programs:-
(i) Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban)
(ii) Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)
(iii) Heritage City Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY)
(iv) Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) – Housing for All (Urban)
(v) Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM)

Annexure - I

Annexure-I referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.471 for 20.07.2016.


The scheme started in the financial year 2001-02 to provide financial assistance to North Eastern States for Development of Urban Infrastructure. Scheme covers NE States Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura and Sikkim. In the last 12 years, 313 projects worth Rs.3012.32 crore has been sanctioned for the 8 States. Out of 313 Projects, 181 Projects (57%) have been completed so far. State of Assam having a slow progress. The status of each state under the scheme is as under: -
S. No State Number of Project Project Completed Total estimated cost (Rs. in crore) Central Assistance
(Rs. in crore) Released upto
(Rs. in crore)
1 Arunachal Pradesh 78 54 542.31 495.84 412.34
2 Assam 47 9 418.89 384.31 245.75
3 Manipur 23 19 213.65 197.56 150.03
4 Meghalaya 22 11 192.30 186.40 126.20
5 Mizoram 24 15 409.42 402.21 326.27
6 Nagaland 63 39 491.80 444.79 282.68
7 Sikkim 34 21 381.58 365.88 282.19
8 Tripura 22 13 362.33 361.40 285.50
Total 313 181 3012.28 2838.39 2110.98
Reasons for slow progress: NE States are located in a climately disadvantage area. The working season generally remain short due to prolonged rains and snowfall in higher reaches. Many of the projects are located in remote region with poor assess hampering project execution. Further, States is also not contributing their state share on timely basis resulting in delay of project execution.

Annexure - II

Annexure-II referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.471 for 20.07.2016.


The pilot scheme of UIDSST was approved midway during the 11th Plan in July, 2009 with a total outlay of Rs.500 crore. The scheme aimed at providing basic urban infrastructure in selected satellite towns around seven mega cities with the overall objective of ameliorating pressure on mega cities by improving infrastructure and reforms in the selected towns. Scheme covers seven satellite towns viz. Vikarabad (Telangana), Sanand (Gujarat), Sonepat (Haryana), Hoskote (Karnataka), Vasai-Virar (Maharashtra), Sriperumbudur (Tamil Nadu), Pilkhuwa (Uttar Pradesh). Under this scheme, 17 projects with a total outlay of Rs.631.07 crore have been sanctioned so far. Out of Rs.631.07 crore, Central share is Rs.500 Crore. Out of 17 Projects, so far only three projects have been completed. Rest of the projects are under various stages of progress. It has been decided that no new project will be taken up under the scheme. Only committed liability is to be fulfilled.

Reasons for slow progress: The project-wise reasons for slow progress projects are indicated in the following table.
S. No. Name of the Project Year of Sanction Estimated Amount
( lakh) Reasons for slow progress (critical project)
1 2 3 10
1 UP (Pilkhuwa)
Municipal Solid Waste Management Scheme for Pilkhuwa Town 2010-11 897.7 Earlier there was a land issue which has now resolved.
2 MAHARASHTRA (Vasai-Virar) Underground Sewerage Scheme for Vasai-Virar Sub Region STP-2 2011-12 6622.63 Many parts for city adjoining to creek area have slushy marshy land with loose soil which increase time of pipe laying and also excessive rainfalls. Further change of methodology from micro tunnelling to pipe jacking method as suggested by railways.
3 Integrated Solid Waste Management for Vasai Virar 2010-11 3172.64 Due to policy changes in methodology of collection of Municipal Solid waste. Further, the Solid Waste processing plant stopped due to immense fire broke out at Gokhivare, this lead to the public agitation and also the land issue delayed the new tendering procedure for SLF work.
4 TELANGANA (Vikarabad)
Under Ground Drainage Scheme, Vikarabad 2010-11 6474 The project has been delayed due to Telengana Agitation and delay in handing over site for the STP. Presently no issue.
5 Water Supply Improvement Scheme, Vikarabad 2010-11 7009 The project has been delayed due to Telengana agitation and delay in handing over sites for 2 ELSRs. Presently no issue.
6 HARYANA(Sonepat)
Municipal Solid Waste Management Scheme for Sonepat Town 2010-11 2496 Initially, there was land litigation and finally State Govt. has purchased 20 Acre land at a new site of the project within the extended municipal limits. The project is now in progress.
7 GUJARAT (Sanand)
Sewerage System of Sanand Town 2010-11 5848.68 Project is stalled due to TP Scheme finalization for alignment of the Trunk mains. The State Govt. is taking up the matter with the officers of AUDA to resolve the issue.
8 Water Supply System of Sanand Town 2010-11 3320.86 Project is stalled due to TP Scheme finalization for alignment of the rising mains. The State Govt. is taking up the matter with the officers of Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority (AUDA) to resolve the issue.
9 TAMILNADU (Sriperumbudur) Under Ground sewerage Scheme, Sripermbudur 2011-12 5622 There was a issue in lying of 5.5 Km trunk main under the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI). The State Govt. was advised to intimate the details to MoUD so that Ministry will take up the matter with NHAI.


Annexure-III referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.471 for 20.07.2016.

North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme (NERUDP)

The Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) is implementing the North Eastern Region Urban Development Programme (NERUDP) with the financial assistance from Asian Development Bank (ADB) covering capital cities of 5 North Eastern States viz. Agartala (Tripura), Aizawl (Mizoram), Gangtok (Sikkim), Kohima (Nagaland) and Shillong (Meghalaya) comprising of Water Supply, Sewage/sanitation, and Solid Waste Management projects.

Reasons for slow progress: Due to the intermittent rains and long rainy season in North Eastern areas and difficult hilly terrain.


Annexure-IV referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.471 for 20.07.2016.

Urban Transport Planning and Capacity Building Scheme

Ministry is providing central financial assistance up to 80% for all kinds of Traffic and transportation studies etc. and 50% for Detailed Project Reports (DPR) for preparation for Metro Rail etc. The reasons of the said scheme progressing sluggishly are as under:

(i) Less number of proposals received from the State Govt/UTs.

Inadequate disbursement of funds to State Governments/UTs due to frequent change of Object head of the scheme.

Bus Funding under JnNURM Scheme

(a) During the transition phase (2013-14) of erstwhile JnNURM scheme, financial assistance was sanctioned to 18 States/ UTs for procurement of 7509 buses. The funding is continued till 31.3.2017. Out of 7509 buses, so far around 3800 buses have been procured by the States/UTs. Despite release of 1st installment of Govt. of India share during 2014-15, following States have so far not furnished any information regarding procurement of buses:
S.No. States No. of buses sanctioned Procurement Status
1. Bihar 526 0
2. Punjab 20 0
3. Rajasthan 280 0


Annexure-V referred to in reply to part (a) to (c) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No.471 for 20.07.2016.


Bangalore and Chennai Metro Rail Projects are running behind schedule. The details of these two metro rail projects along with reasons of delay are given below. The approved project cost of Bangalore Metro Project Phase-1 was revised in July, 2015 from Rs.11,608.92 crore to Rs.13,845.01 crore due to increase in land cost, system work including depot and fluctuations in foreign currency. There is no escalation of project cost of Chennai Metro Rail Project.

Details of ongoing and sanctioned metro rail projects being implemented on 50:50 equity sharing joint venture between Government of India (GOI) and the concerned State/ UT Governments running behind schedule.
Ongoing Metro Project
(Name of State & Stretch) Original schedule of completion Expected schedule
of completion Reasons for Delay Steps taken to mitigate delay
Bangalore Metro
( Karnataka, East West Corridor - Baiyappanahalli to Mysore Road Junction
and North South Corridor – Nagasandra to Puttenhalli) December, 2013 November,
2016 Delay in getting possession of land, shifting of uncharted utilities and delay in progressing tunneling operations due to difficult strata and in thickly populated area.

(i) Continues and close monitoring of project activities.

(ii) Regular meeting with Police Depts. for required traffic diversions permissions.

(iii) Monitoring by High Powered Committee of respective State Government.

(iv) Prompt release of funds by stakeholders and advance payment to needy contractors to speed up the work.

Chennai Metro Rail Project
(Tamil Nadu, Corridor I from Washermanpet to Chennai Airport & Corridor II from Chennal Central to St. Thomas Mount. March, 2015 December, 2016 Due to limited availability of work sites and non-performance of some contractor leading to re-tendering.

Source : Loksabha

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