Implementation of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) : Starred Question in Loksabha

Implementation of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) : Starred Question in Loksabha

(a) the number of Members of Parliament who have identified villages under the Phase-I and Phase-II of the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY); 

(b) whether the Government is formulating any action plan to ensure effective implementation of the said scheme and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether non-availability of adequate funds has been attributed as a major reason for tardy implementation of the scheme and if so, the details thereof; and 

(d) the corrective action being taken/ proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard?


STARRED QUESTION NO: 34                      ANSWERED ON: 17.11.2016

Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana


Will the Minister of RURAL DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-

(a) the number of Members of Parliament who have identified villages under the Phase-I and Phase-II of the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY); 

(b) whether the Government is formulating any action plan to ensure effective implementation of the said scheme and if so, the details thereof;

(c) whether non-availability of adequate funds has been attributed as a major reason for tardy implementation of the scheme and if so, the details thereof; and 

(d) the corrective action being taken/ proposed to be taken by the Government in this regard?



(a) to (d): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House.

Statement referred to in reply to Lok Sabha Starred Queston No.34 for Answer on 17.11.2016

The number of Members of Parliament who have identified Gram Panchayats under the Phase-1 and Phase-II of Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) is given below:

2. The preparation of action plan for the holistic development of the panchayats selected under SAGY is done by the respective Gram Panchayat. The GPs prepare the Village Development Plan (VDP) which contains prioritised time-bound activities through convergence of various Central and State Government schemes apart from leveraging Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR). The Ministry has taken following initiatives for effective implementation of the scheme:-

(i) 21 Schemes have been amended by various Ministries /Departments of Government of India to give priority to SAGY Gram Panchayat projects.

(ii) The Ministry of Rural Development has brought out ‘SAMANVAY’ - Compilation of 223 Central Sector/ Centrally Sponsored and 1806 State Schemes for convergence under SAGY for the benefit of Members of Parliament, District and Village level officials about the different schemes for multitude of purposes at the GP level.

(iii) The Ministry has developed 35 point indicators to gauge the impact of SAGY in the GPs. Progress is measured through outcome indicators broadly covering basic amenities, education, health, sanitation, livelihood, women empowerment, financial inclusion, food security, social security and e-governance. The impact is measured on quarterly(22 indicators) , half yearly(7 indicators) and yearly basis(6 indicators). 

(iv) The Central Government sent teams to a few of the SAGY Village Panchayats to understand the convergence process and to learn from good practices. Through a review of progress on 35 indicators, efforts have been made to ascertain the performance of SAGY in a particular Gram Panchayat.

(v) With the intent to tap the resources and the strengths of the Private, Voluntary and Cooperative sectors (PVC Sectors), the Ministry has circulated suggestive template to State Governments for preparing proposals.

(vi) The Ministry has prepared a document named ‘SAHYOG’ which is an indicative guidance document with the essential information on the existing social security schemes collated from respective ministries. It will enrich the knowledge of villagers and village level functionaries to achieve 100% enrollment into the social/financial Security Schemes in SAGY GPs. 

(vii) The Ministry of Rural Development is coordinating with other Central Ministries/ Departments to ensure provision of four key basic services viz. power, drinking water, roads and education in all SAGY GPs.

(viii) SAGY is reviewed by the Ministry every Quarter in the Performance Review Committee (PRC) meeting with State Secretaries. The Central Govt. has also constituted the District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee where the performance of programmes are monitored every quarter under Chairmanship of Hon’ble MPs.

3. As per the data uploaded by 541 Gram Panchayats on the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana portal, many remarkable achievements have already been made in the SAGY GPs. 283 Gram Panchayats under SAGY have achieved 100% of Children Immunization (0-6 age group), 252 Gram Panchayats have reported 100% Institutional delivery, 378 Gram Panchayats have 100% of Days Mid Day Meal (MDM) coverage to Schools. Similarly 171 Gram Panchayats reported electricity connection to all Households, 91 Gram Panchayats have safe and secure Housing facility to all Households in the SAGY villages, 87 Gram Panchayats have full piped drinking water supply.

Likewise 131 Gram Panchayats have become ODF, 160 Gram Panchayats have now E Panchayat Service available at Gram Panchayats Office. Similarly, many Gram Panchayats have made efforts in the area of ensuring social and financial security in their respective Gram Panchayats by enrolling every eligible individual to Government Schemes like Jan Dhan Yojana (101 GPs), Atal Pension Yojana (25 GPs), Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana 926 GPs), Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna(37 GPs), Widow Pension (211 GPs), Old Age Pension (210 GPs).

Furthermore, 19569 number of projects have already been completed out of total 40412 projects that have been planned to be implemented. Thus 45% of the work has already been completed by the SAGY Gram Panchayats.

4. The SAGY lays emphasis on inspiring values of national pride & patriotism and unity, It is primarily about unleashing the power of people who are expected to inculcate pride in village, encourage societal change/Behavioural change, take collective responsibility and initiate People projects.

5. The development of Gram Panchayats identified under SAGY is intended to take place through the convergence and implementation of existing Government Schemes and Programmes without allocating additional funds. In other words, SAGY attempts to develop the value chain through value change. 

Source : Loksabha

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