Progress Details of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) : Unstarred Question in Loksabha

Progress Details of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) : Unstarred Question in Loksabha

(a) whether Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) is making good progress at this moment across the country and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; 

(b) the details of villages that become SAGY, State/UT-wise; 

(c) whether there is any binding on the part of Members of Parliament to adopt the village and if so, the response of the MPs to the scheme and the number of them who have not adopted any village under the scheme; 

(d) whether there are no Government funds to this scheme and MPs are finding it difficult to allocate sufficient funds from their MPLADS to the adopted village and if so, the details thereof; and 

(e) the measures being taken/ proposed to be taken by the Government to make MPs take part in the development of the villages in their respective constituencies?

UNSTARRED QUESTION NO: 329                     ANSWERED ON: 17.11.2016

Assessment of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana


Will the Minister of RURAL DEVELOPMENT be pleased to state:-

(a) whether Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) is making good progress at this moment across the country and if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; 

(b) the details of villages that become SAGY, State/UT-wise; 

(c) whether there is any binding on the part of Members of Parliament to adopt the village and if so, the response of the MPs to the scheme and the number of them who have not adopted any village under the scheme; 

(d) whether there are no Government funds to this scheme and MPs are finding it difficult to allocate sufficient funds from their MPLADS to the adopted village and if so, the details thereof; and 

(e) the measures being taken/ proposed to be taken by the Government to make MPs take part in the development of the villages in their respective constituencies?


(a): The SAGY has triggered overall development by involving Members of Parliament, District and State Administration, Panchayats and Villagers of SAGY. So far 704 Gram Panchayats have been identified by equal number of Members of Parliament . The SAGY Gram Panchayats have very systematically taken development approach by involving Gram Sabha and they have prepared comprehensive plan for their development. Some of the works like skill development training for unemployed youths, Animal husbandry, Dairy farming activities, enrolment in social security schemes, IHHL construction, upgradation of schools, Smart school projects, SHG formation & training and horticulture activities have already been completed. 658 Village Development Plans (VDP) have been prepared across the States/UTs cumulatively comprising more than 40,000 projects, out of which 33% of works are completed and 19% of works are in-progress.The progress of Village Development Plan shows the impressive result in terms of convergence, resource enveloping and community participation.

A 35 point impact monitoring indicators have been created to gauge the impact of SAGY in the GPs. Many Gram Panchayats have ensured 100% immunisation, strengthening of PDS system, providing benefits of social security schemes and many others.So far 643 Gram Panchayats have updated Panchayat Darpan information which show an average growth of 9.64%.

(b) & (c ): As per the guidelines of SAGY, it is expected that every Members Parliament would adopt one Gram Panchayat under SAGY. So far 704 and 166 Gram Panchayats have been identified by the equal number of Members of Parliament under this scheme under phase-I and Phase-II respectively. 93 and 621 Members of Parliament are yet to identify the Gram Panchayats under this scheme under phase-I and Phase-II respectively. The detailed list of GPs identified in Phase-I&II are given in Annexure-I & II. 

(d): This scheme intends to achieve its objectives through convergence and implementation of existing Government Schemes and Programmes without allocating additional funds. The MPs are proactively tapping the resource from various sources for the implementation of the Village Development Plan. 

(e) : The Ministry has taken following measures in this regard 

1. A one day Orientation Programme for was organized for State Team of Trainers (STOT) by Ministry at National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad. The State Team of Trainers (STOT) who in turn have conducted orientation programme on SAGY implementation process for Members of Parliament of their Respective States. 

2. The Ministry of Rural Development has brought out ‘Samanvay’ - Compilation of 223 Central sector, Centrally sponsored and 1806 State schemes for convergence under SAGY, as developed for all the states, which may be referred for planning purpose and also as a ready reckoner especially for the Members of Parliament about the different schemes for multitude of purposes at the GP level.

3. A National level Workshop on Good practices of Rural Development sector was organised on 23rd -24th September, 2015 at Bhopal by MoRD for the purpose of disseminating the information of good practices in Rural Development sector . 

4. A compendium of Good practices in Rural Development sector has been published and circulated amongst the Members of Parliament.


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