Udyamita Scheme: Unstarred Question in Loksabha

Udyamita Scheme

(a) whether the Government has launched a new scheme ‘Udyamita’ to integrate entrepreneurship with education and if so, the details thereof;
(b) the number of educational institutes to be covered under Udyamita Scheme;; 
(c) whether entrepreneurship will be a compulsory subject or would it be integrated in all subjects of the curriculum;
(d) if so, the details and the mechanism to evaluate for assessing their entrepreneurship capabilities; and

(e) whether the Government will provide any specific incentive under Startup India to students taught under the Udyamita Scheme and if so, the details thereof ?


UNSTARRED QUESTION NO: 2897                    ANSWERED ON: 02.08.2017

Udyamita Scheme


Will the Minister of SKILL DEVELOPMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP be pleased to state:-
(a) whether the Government has launched a new scheme ‘Udyamita’ to integrate entrepreneurship with education and if so, the details thereof;
(b) the number of educational institutes to be covered under Udyamita Scheme;; 
(c) whether entrepreneurship will be a compulsory subject or would it be integrated in all subjects of the curriculum;
(d) if so, the details and the mechanism to evaluate for assessing their entrepreneurship capabilities; and
(e) whether the Government will provide any specific incentive under Startup India to students taught under the Udyamita Scheme and if so, the details thereof ?

(a) Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has launched its flagship scheme Pradhan Mantri Yuva Udyamita Vikas Abhiyaan (PM-YUVA) erstwhile Udyamita Scheme on 9th November, 2016 to impart entrepreneurship education and training throughout the country. The scheme spans over five years (2016-17 to 2020-21) with a project cost of Rs. 450 crore and will provide entrepreneurship education and training to over 14.5 lakh students. The Scheme aims to create an enabling ecosystem for Entrepreneurship Development through entrepreneurship education and training across the country in selected Institutes of Higher Learning (Universities, Colleges and Premier Institutes), schools, Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) and Entrepreneurship Development Centers (EDCs) for over a period of five years. Additionally, students will get easy access to a robust network of peers, mentors incubators, funds and business services through an online platform. Focus will also be on entrepreneurship promotion and social entrepreneurship.

The Scheme will be implemented through following Entrepreneurship Hubs (E-Hubs):-

(i) National E-Hub will be responsible for overall programme management of the scheme.

(ii) Regional and Nodal E-Hubs will be responsible for program management of the scheme at the regional and nodal level respectively and will be housed in one of the empanelled institutes of the project. These E-Hubs will work closely with project institutes and will create an ecosystem of entrepreneurship around institutes and in States.

(b) The break-up of the educational institutes to be empanelled each year under PM-YUVA Scheme is as under:- 

Institutions YEAR-1 YEAR-2 YEAR-3 YEAR-4 YEAR-5 TOTAL
Colleges 510 540 800 350 X 2200
Schools X 150 100 50 X 300
EDCs X 30 20 X X 50
ITIs X 300 100 100 X 500
TOTAL 3050

(c) Under the Scheme, entrepreneurship will be taught as an elective subject and currently is not compulsory. The institutes will be encouraged to award credits for the course.

(d) To evaluate the entrepreneurship capabilities of students, an online assessment will take place at the end of each module which is a part of the Learning Management System portal. 

(e) The students will get an opportunity to network with peers, mentors and faculties from other institutes through E-Hubs. Currently, PM-YUVA is purely focused on education of entrepreneurship. As on date, there is no proposal to provide incentive to students under Start-up India
Source: Loksabha

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