कोरोना अपडेट 16 अक्टूबर 2020 : वर्तमान में सक्रीय मामला कुल संक्रमित मामलों का केवल 10.92%

कोरोना अपडेट 16 अक्टूबर 2020 : वर्तमान में सक्रीय मामला कुल संक्रमित मामलों का केवल 10.92%

कोरोना संक्रमण में अब बहुत सुधार हो रहा है, अब नए संक्रमित मरीजों की संख्या रिकवर मरीजों की संख्या से कम दर्ज की जा रही है. आज बीते 24 घंटों में 63,371 नए कोरोना केस दर्ज की गई है, जबकि रिकवर मरीजों की संख्या 70,338 दर्ज की गई है. 

PIB Headquarters
16 OCT 2020


(Contains Press releases concerning Covid-19, issued in last 24 hours, inputs from PIB Field Offices and Fact checks undertaken by PIB)




India continues to report one of the lowest deaths per million population in the world, Less than 1100 deaths reported for last 14 days, 22 States/UTs have Deaths per Million lower than the National Average

India continues to report one of the lowest deaths per million population which stands at 81 today. Less than 1100 deaths have been reported continuously since 2nd October. These results are boosted by 22 States/UTs which had demonstrated better performance and are reporting even lower deaths per million compared to the national average. Case fatality rate has been on the downslide continuously. At the current figure of 1.52%, it is the lowest since 22nd March 2020. Maintaining the spree of registering more recoveries than the new confirmed cases, 70,338 single day recoveries were registered in last 24 hours as against 63,371 new confirmed cases. The total recovered cases stand at 64,53,779. The gap between Recovered cases and Active cases has crossed 56 lakh (56,49,251). The recovered cases are 8 times more than the active case now. The Active Cases are sliding continuously. Presently the active cases comprise merely 10.92% of the total positive cases of the country standing at 8,04,528. Higher number of recoveries has aided the national Recovery Rate to further improve to 87.56%. 78% of the new recovered cases are observed to be concentrated in 10 States/UTs. Maharashtra alone has contributed the maximum with more than 13,000 single day recovery. 79% of the new cases are from 10 States and UTs. Maharashtra continues to be the State reporting a very high number of new cases with more than 10,000 cases followed by Karnataka with more than 8,000 cases. 895 case fatalities have been reported in the past 24 hours. Of these, nearly 82% are concentrated in ten State/UTs of Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Odisha and Delhi. More than 37% of new fatalities are reported are from Maharashtra (337 deaths). 13 States/UTs are reporting deaths/million population more than the national average.

Centre rushes High Level Central teams to Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has deputed high level Central teams to Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal. These States have been reporting a surge in the number of new COVID cases in the recent days.Each team comprises of a Jt. Secretary (nodal officer for the respective State), one public health expert to look after the public health aspects, one clinician to look after infection prevention practices, clinical management protocol being followed by the State.The teams will support the State efforts towards strengthening containment, surveillance, testing, infection prevention and control measures, and efficient clinical management of the positive cases.

Dr Harsh Vardhan chairs event on ‘World Food Day’ organized by FSSAI

Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare today presided over an event to celebrate ‘World Food Day’. The event was organized by FSSAI. This year’s theme is Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together. Dr Harsh Vardhan stated that due to the unprecedented challenges faced by the world on account of the pandemic, there has been a renewed focus on food, nutrition, health, immunity and sustainability. He added “FSSAI’s Eat Right India movement targets to promote safe and healthy food for everyone in an environmentally sustainable way. It is a part of its mandate to provide safe and wholesome food for all citizens. This will improve the food safety ecosystems and lift the hygiene and health of our citizens.” A key focus this year is elimination of Trans Fats from the food supply chain. A food toxin present in Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils (PHVOs) (e.g. vanaspati, shortening, margarine, etc.), baked and fried foods, Trans Fat is a major contributor to the rise in non-communicable diseases in India. Dr. Harsh Vardhan stated, “Trans fat is a modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Eliminating CVD risk factor is especially relevant during COVID-19 as people with CVD are predisposed to have serious conditions having an impact on mortality.”

Dr. Harsh Vardhan conveys Prime Minister's clarion call of building a Jan-Andolan against COVID to all the members of Indian Red Cross Society

Dr Harsh Vardhan, Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare in his capacity as Chairman joined the Annual General Meeting of Indian Red Cross Society and St. John’s Ambulance through video conference, yesterday.Thanking Hon’ble President of India and President of Indian Red Cross Society & St. John Ambulance (India) Sh. Ram NathKovind for his continued encouragement and support to IRCS, he noted, “This is for the first time that a meeting of this kind in IRCS has been organized virtually. However and as we all know, this is the ‘new normal’ of our life these days.”Congratulating all members of IRCS as it completes its 100 years of existence saving innumerable lives and improving the quality of life of a large section of people, he brought attention of the members to the present pandemic which is in its tenth month currently. He continued, “Almost every country is trying its best to minimize this impact in its own way. In India, the central government got into action much earlier and since then has launched a slew of measures to minimize the overall impact of the pandemic.” He said our collective efforts have helped save many lives. We will continue the momentum and protect our citizens from the virus.

PM releases commemorative coin of Rs 75 denomination to mark the 75th Anniversary of FAO

Prime Minister Shri NarendraModi released commemorative coins of Rs 75 denomination to mark the 75th Anniversary of FAO today through video conferencing. He dedicated to the nation, 17 recently developed biofortified varieties of crops.Speaking on the occasion, the Prime Minister greeted the people across the world who are constantly working to remove malnutrition. He said, our KisanSaathi - our Annadata, our Agricultural Scientist, our Anganwadi ASHA workers, are the basis of the movement against malnutrition. While they have filled the granary of India with their hard work, they are also helping the government in reaching the poorest of the poor. He added, due to all these efforts, India is fighting a strong fight against malnutrition even in this crisis of Corona.

Text of PM's address at the release of Commemorative coin to mark 75 years of Food and Agriculture Organisation

RakshaMantri’s Trophy for the Best and Second Best Command Hospitals Presented

The Raksha Mantri Trophy for the Best and Second Best Command Hospitals of the Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) for the year 2019 were presented by Shri Rajnath Singh, Hon’bleRaksha Mantri, on 16 Oct 2020. Command Hospital (Air Force) Bengaluru and Command Hospital (Eastern Command) Kolkata were judged as the Best and Second Best Command Hospital for the year 2019 respectively.Raksha Mantri, while complementing the two hospitals on their outstanding performance, acknowledged the commendable services being rendered by the AFMS, ranging from combat medical support to troops deployed in operational roles to state of the art healthcare services at mid-zonal, zonal and tertiary care hospitals of the AFMS.

Finance Minister Smt. NirmalaSitharaman attends the Plenary Meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee of the IMF

Union Minister of Finance & Corporate Affairs Smt. NirmalaSitharaman yesterday attended the Plenary Meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC), the Ministerial-level committee of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) through video-conference. The discussions at the meeting were based on IMF Managing Director’s Global Policy Agenda titled “Catalyzing a Resilient Recovery”. The members of the IMFC updated the committee on the actions and measures taken by member countries to combat COVID-19 and its adverse impacts. Smt. Sitharaman, in her intervention at the meeting, briefly outlined the measures under the AtmaNirbhar Bharat Package to foster a quick and more robust economic recovery in India. She mentioned that the V-shaped pattern of recovery is being seen in several high-frequency indicators including, manufacturing PMI that reached the highest level in last eight years in the month of September 2020, presenting a strong recovery prospect for the manufacturing sector. To stimulate consumer spending, measures worth $10 billion have been announced recently.

India Hosts Virtual Summit of Ministers of Justice of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

The Seventh Meeting of Ministers of Justice of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Member States was hosted by Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister of Law & Justice, Communication and Electronics & Information Technology today. The Keynote address and Closing Remarks in the Justice Ministers’ meeting were delivered by Shri Anoop Kumar Mendiratta, Secretary, Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Law & Justice. Addressing the august gathering of Ministers of Justice from SCO Member States, Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Minister for Law & Justice, Communications and Electronics & Information Technology highlighted the initiatives taken by the Indian Government under the visionary leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister NarendraModi, for providing affordable and easy access to justice for all. He mentioned during COVID19 pandemic, over 25 Lakh hearing through video conference have taken place at various courts of India, out of which 9,000 virtual hearings have taken place at the Supreme Court alone. He apprised the gathering of the high priority, the Government has given to frame business facilitating laws and rules, including Commercial Courts Act and Arbitration Laws with a view to make India a preferred destination for investment and business.

Culture Ministry issues guidelines for holding cultural events/activities in Virtual / Online mode under various scheme components of Central Sector Scheme ‘Kala SanskritiVikasYojana’ (KSVY)

The Covid outbreak has had a substantial impact on the Performing Arts & Cultural sector with in-person exhibitions, events, and performances either cancelled or postponed. However, there were intensive efforts by the Artists & the institutions of the Ministry of Culture to provide alternative or additional services through digital platforms with proper documentation of the events. Ministry of Culture (Performing Arts Bureau) implements many schemes under its Kala SanskritiVikasYojana (KSVY), where the grants are sanctioned/approved for holding programs/activities which involve large audience.While the performances with a limited audience have been recently allowed, in view of the prevailing conditions, the Ministry of Culture has formulated & devised the following guidelines to help artists/organizations who have already been sanctioned grant under various scheme components of ‘Kala SanskritiVikasYojana’ (KSVY) to conduct events on virtual mode. This will enable them to avail benefits under these schemes even if they are not able to stage programs in the physical format as before and will ensure continued financial assistance to tide over the present crisis.

  • Punjab:Reminding the Sarpanches of their moral duty as Head of their village, the Chief Minister has asked them to maintain strict vigil on the health situation and encourage anyone showing Covid symptoms to undergo testing. He further asked the Sarpanches to ensure that the patients inflicted with Covid, as well as their contacts, are identified and kept in isolation, for which elaborate arrangements should be made.
  • Haryana:In view of the upcoming festival season, Haryana Chief Secretary has directed the officers concerned that Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) regarding movement of people and possibility of congestion in shops should be issued at the earliest. The Deputy Commissioners and Superintendents of Police have also been directed  to ensure strict compliance of the COVID-19 guidelines such as wearing of masks, maintaining  social distancing and hand hygiene under the ‘COVID Appropriate Behaviour  Campaign’.
  • Himachal Pradesh:Addressing the Annual General Meeting of the Indian Red Cross Society and St John Ambulance (India), Governor Shri BandaruDattatraya, who is the President of State Red Cross Society said that the State Red Cross Society in Himachal Pradesh did excellent work during the Corona pandemic and came forward to help the poor and the needy people. He expressed his gratitude towards Indian Red Cross Society for providing health relief material and other items like masks and sanitizers from time to time, which were made available to the people through the State Society.
  • Arunachal Pradesh: One more person succumbed to COVID-19 in Arunachal Pradesh today, taking its death toll to 30. Meanwhile, the State during the past 24 hours recorded as many as 203 positive cases and also saw off 195 patients following their recovery from the virus. The 42-bedded Dedicated COVID-19 Hospital (DCH) at Chimpu in Arunachal Pradesh is being upgraded into a 152-bedded hospital. This was informed by State Health & Family Welfare Minister AloLibang.
  • Assam: Assam Health Minister HimantaBiswaSarma tweeted that 1,263 patients were discharged yesterday. The total number of discharged patients is 6 times that of active patients. Total discharged patients 85.09%,& active patients 14.47%.
  • Manipur: Mapping begins for localised lockdown; One more succumbs to COVID-19 in Manipur.
  • Meghalaya: In Meghalaya, COVID-19 total active cases are 2445, total BSF and Armed Forces 117, total Others 2,328, & total recovered 5,646.
  • Mizoram: Nine more cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Mizoram yesterday. Total cases 2,229, active cases 108.
  • Nagaland: Of Nagaland's COVID-19 positive total of 7,492, 3,395 are from security personnel, 2,134 are traced contacts, 1,586 returnees and 377 are frontline workers.
  • Sikkim: With 41 new cases, Sikkim’s COVID-19 count reaches 3500; active cases 312.
  • Kerala: After 6-month-long break, devotees will throng the famous Lord Ayyappa temple from tomorrow onwards. Covid negative certificate obtained within 48 hours of Darshan will be mandatory for registration. 250 devotees who have booked for darshan via virtual queue portal of Kerala Police will be allowed to visit the temple per day. Meanwhile four more fatalities were reported today taking the state’s Covid death toll to 1093. 7,789 new cases of Covid-19 were reported in the state yesterday. At present, there are 94,517 patients under treatment and 2.49 lakh people under observation across the state.    
  • Tamil Nadu:Over 12 lakh tonne paddy procured during Covid says Food Minister R Kamaraj. The Minister said that it was the highest procurement, of which a total of 12.77 lakh tonnes were procured during the pandemic period, and Rs 2,416.05 crore disbursed to farmers. With heavy rush expected on trains and at railway stations during the festive season, the Railway Protection Force has issued guidelines to be followed by passengers to combat Covid: No entry on trains without mask and all passengers to adhere to Covid-19 norms on trains. Covid-19 death toll crosses 400 in Madurai; Tamil Nadu’s first Covid fatality was recorded in the district on March 25.
  • Karnataka: Following a few RT-PCR negative cases presenting typical Covid-19 symptoms, the health department in the state has directed all government and private hospitals to strictly follow a syndromic approach in treating such cases. In view of festival season, tourist places in Kodagu, Mysore and Mandya have been closed in order to control spread of infection. Highcourt of Karnataka has asked state government to conduct drive to ensure people wear mask. Railway ticket counters opens today after over seven months.
  • Andhra Pradesh: State decided to reduce school holidays to compensate loss of working days owing to Covid-19 pandemic. The State government has decided to reopen from November 2 and the education officials are also working to prepare a calendar for the current academic year as the working days are reduced by almost five months. The government is planning to reduce the festive holidays for students and also impose a limit on teachers availing leaves. The state government has drawn up a plan to have six working days a week. The Covid-19 tally jumped up by 4,000-odd cases on Thursday, taking the cumulative number of cases past the 7.71 lakh-mark. But with 5,622 recoveries, the active cases have come down to 40,047.
  • Telangana: 1554 new cases, 1435 recoveries & 7 deaths reported in the last 24 hours; out of 1554 cases, 249 cases reported from GHMC. Total cases: 2,19,224; Active cases: 23,315; Deaths:1256; Discharges:1,94,653. Telangana government performed the best among the five southern States as per Covid-19 Performance Index developed by the FICCI, ASCI and FTCCI. The heavy rains and the resultant floods in the State had resulted in the death of 50 persons, including 11 from GHMC area, besides damaging standing crops to the tune of Rs 2,000 crore in the State.

Source: PIB

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